Hypnotherapy in Philadelphia
Hypnotherapy in Philadelphia is very popular and highly demanded. You can find many offices that advertise hypnosis in Philadelphia. Those offices located all over the city and suburbs. How to find the right place? How to make sure that the services you are paying for are not harmful to you and by the end of the day you will get “value for the money”.
In this article, we will discuss places for the best hypnosis in Philadelphia and treatment options available.
Hypnosis near me, hypnotherapy near me, and Hypnotist near me are the two most common searches amongst people who are looking for hypnosis in Philadelphia.
Hypnotherapy aka Clinical Hypnosis within the context of a therapeutic setting.
Many people consider clinical hypnosis as a kind of extreme mind manipulative process due to what we normally see on television and on stage. They do not realize that there is more to Hypnotism than mere mind manipulation and not everyone has the same degree of hypnotizable. Some people are more suggestive of Hypnosis than others. The potential of Hypnosis in clinical settings is fast becoming more recognized in these modern times. Hypnotherapy has been used to manage various medical issues commonly seen in clinical settings such as pain (either due to a medical condition or activity), shyness, mental disorders, substance addictions, and many other things that are seen in a clinical setting. In the next section, we are going to talk about how Hypnosis works.
How does Hypnotherapy work?
Hypnosis is not actually a state of deep sleep as many people think. It is more of a state of “selective consciousness”. During Hypnosis treatment, a person is at an altered state of consciousness (this includes both awareness and alertness), the person is also selectively focused and absorbed on a particular idea which the hypnotist wants the person to be focused on. The person becomes absorbed in his/her imagination. In this state, it becomes possible to use suggestions to alter a person’s perceptions and feelings. When a person is hypnotized, a hypnotist can make changes to the person’s self-esteem, intensify a feeling, or inhibit a reaction or feeling. A hypnotist can take a person’s mind off the current pain that a procedure causes hence, it has been used instead of painkillers for minor surgical procedures and for reducing pain during labor successfully. It can also be used for many other conditions due to its effectiveness. However, we will discuss more on that later.
Who can be hypnotized?
Hypnosis is not for everyone – some people are more suggestive of Hypnosis than others. Some other people simply do not want to use Hypnosis as a method of therapy. Hypnotist cannot or should not attempt to hypnotize this category of people because it may not work, or because it is just illegal to hypnotize someone without the consent. So, some requirements and rules may depend on the state in which you are getting hypnotherapy. In this article, we will talk about hypnosis in Philadelphia only. The first rule is that the person must be responsive to Hypnosis, and the problem of the person must be one that is treatable by Hypnosis. For example, you cannot use Hypnosis to treat a bacterial infection – it should be treated by medical doctors using antibiotics. Second, there must be a good rapport between the hypnotist and patient – the hypnotist must create a good rapport with the patient if there is none before, there must be some motivation to treat the problem and finally, the patient must not be harmed in any way due to Hypnosis.
The process of Hypnosis:
There are two main phases of Clinical Hypnosis. The induction phase and the suggestion phase. The induction phase is putting the patient into the trance-like state called Hypnosis. The suggestion phase is where words are used to get the now suggestible, hypnotized mind to change its state so that a particular problem can be solved. The first thing a hypnotist needs to do is to establish rapport with the patient. Some techniques in suggestion include direct suggestion where the hypnotist says direct words as to the desired therapeutic effect. You can hear words like “at the snap of my fingers you will now feel more confident” or things like that. Another technique is anchoring. This is useful in treating addictions. It is more like a post-hypnotic suggestion paired with a feeling or word. You can hear things like “when I say go you will automatically say I love chickens” in show Hypnosis. They are using the word “go” as an anchor to you saying “I love chickens”. When treating addiction, you can anchor the craving for a substance to a feeling. For example, you can make sure anytime a person craves for cigarettes, the person feels disgusted at the sight of cigarettes. There are a host of other techniques and tools which can be used such as metaphors, reframes, affect bridge, ego-state therapy, and self-Hypnosis which can be used to achieve different results in a clinical setting.
Indications for Hypnosis treatment:
Hypnosis can be used to treat many conditions one of the major conditions is a pain – especially during pregnancy. This is because most of the areas of the brain affected by Hypnosis also control pain so Hypnosis can be used to direct a person’s focus away from pain. This has many applications such as managing pain during labor or surgery and in many disease conditions. It is also used in anxiety disorders, substance abuse, pain due to Crohn’s disease, and so on.
Looking for hypnosis Treatment in Philadelphia?
Hypnosis in Philadelphia is popular. Hypnosis treatment includes two main approaches: analysis and suggestion therapy. The analysis is all about finding the cause of a specific disorder while the suggestion therapy is all about influencing the mind in changing bad habits. Hence, hypnosis treatment is a great aid when it comes to anxiety, fears, sleep deprivation, stress, or loss. Bad habits and pain management are also included here due to the fact that hypnosis allows the patient to explore and find out what triggered a specific behavior.
Best places for Hypnotherapy in Philadelphia.
So, there remains one big question: what hypnotherapy clinic you should opt for your Hypnotherapy in Philadelphia?
The majority of people have undergone hypnosis, however, most likely it wasn’t in a medical center. The practice of clinical hypnotherapy can be found thousands of years back in philosophies and principals of different civilizations on our planet. Initially, it was performed for pain control purposes during surgical operations and later doctors realized that this method may benefit in many other medical cases. Today, clinical hypnosis is frequently utilized as an instrument by physicians, dentists, and therapists. Clinical Hypnosis is well-known as a powerful tool for the treatment of many different diseases: anxiety, panic attacks, depressions, fears, and phobias, smoking cessation, weight control, chronic stress disorder, IBS, and many other.
In the paragraph above one word makes a very strong statement. The word is “treatment”. It is very important to understand that treatment must be performed by a medical professional only. No IFs and no BUTs. And only a medical doctor trained in clinical hypnotherapy can perform the treatment and bring the expected results. Don’t settle for less and don’t give a right to fix your health to hypnotists that believe they can treat people because they graduated 3-5 days long hypnosis classes. To use the powerful tool called “clinical hypnosis” hypnotherapist must understand much more than the simple technique of placing a patient into a hypnotic trance state.
The so-called hypnosis centers that appeared on the top of the first page of Google are more than likely non-medical. Just try to Google for “hypnosis in Philadelphia” or “hypnosis treatment in Philadelphia”.
The first record that appears on the top of the first page is “Center City Hypnosis Philadelphia Hypnotist“. Let’s see who is hypnotizing in this center…
“My background:
Before I started Center City Hypnosis, I made a nice living in software development. My previous work included:…” This bio copied and paste from the website above written by Steve Roh, Chief Hypnosis Officer.
The second record on the first page of Google belongs to “A New Hope Hypnosis“.
The hypnotist’s name is Damian Miller. According to his story, he witnessed “My rock climbing teacher had hypnotized her and helped her to overcome her fear.” This rock climbing teacher then became Damian Miller’s hypnotherapy instructor.
Which hypnosis center holds the 3rd place on Google? Maybe it’s a medical center led by psychiatrists, or psychologists, or neurologists?
No, on the 3rd place – Plymouth Hypnosis Center in Philadelphia — Bryan Toder
According to this website “Bryan was trained and certified in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy by the National Guild of Hypnotists and the American Board of Hypnotherapists.”
Nothing about Brian’s background… Is he a physician, a psychologist, a medical professional? No, he is not. He is hypnotist trained by the National Guild of Hypnotists. The only problem is that the National Guild of Hypnotists does not provide training in either hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Moreover, search for Bryan D. Toder on the NGH website brings error message “No records found”.
If you are looking for hypnotherapy in Northeast of Philly another specialist popping up in google search result. His name is Todd Stofka. Beautiful website https://www.thebestweightlosssolution.com/ describes his education and certifications.
First of all – no medical background whatsoever… Engineering, management, MBA. No medical school, no nursing school, no psychology… But look farther – bullets 3, 4, and 5.
- Bullet 3: Neuro-Energetics and the Hypnosis Institute of Pennsylvania – Just google for this name and you’ll find that this “institute” not exists.
- What about Bullet 4: Neuro-Energetics and the Pennsylvania Institute of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Is this the same non-existing “institute” with a very strange name? Anyways, this school also not exists.
- Do you want to check bullet 5? International Institute for Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Programming – also not exists anywhere in the world.
So, what clinical hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy are all about? Are they represent that part of medical science in which a rock climbing instructor or computer programmer, or an engineer may dig inside the most complex infrastructures in the world – the human brain of the emotionally or mentally sick people and make changes in their subconscious mind? Can a rock climbing instructor also teach other people to do the same “mind surgery”?
Choose Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic for Hypnotherapy in Philadelphia
Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic founded by Dr. Tsan in 1999 as a subdivision of well-known and internationally recognized Philadelphia Holistic Clinic. At this center, all holistic techniques reside under one roof. We are medical professionals and for your entire medical needs, you can get qualified help here.
Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic represents one of the best places where you can benefit from various services that include hypnosis in Philadelphia and Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Philadelphia. This clinic is managed by Dr. Tsan one of the most renowned therapists worldwide.
Doctor Victor Tsan is a certified hypnotherapist, homeopath, and acupuncturist. His main specialty is the holistic treatment in which he has extensive experience due to the many years of practice. Dr. Tsan is specialized in mood disorders, anxiety, and various other issues like addiction, bad habits, behavioral problems, OCD, PTSD, or substance abuse. The approach of treatment can differ from one patient to another depending on the problems he has. The treatment orientation may have at its basis coaching, cognitive-behavioral or CBT, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, NLP or acupuncture, and homeopathy. The variety of approaches arises from the fact that everyone is unique and has special needs when it comes to dealing with a specific disorder.
Those are the main reasons why this clinic is so popular for hypnosis in Philadelphia. It does not matter if you opt for individual, couples, or family therapy because here is the place where you find it all. Dr. Tsan is the one who tries to find the center of a specific issue, instead of guiding his treatment by the patient’s assumptions. This represents an innovative approach that was established by Dr. Tsan.
There are various reasons why you should opt for the services provided by Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic. First of all, always keep in mind that in the field of hypnotherapy are many impostors that pretend to have experience. In reality, they do not know what this practice is about and end up tricking you. At Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic, there is no such thing as an impostor. Dr. Tsan is dedicated to alternative medicine and he has many years of experience behind.
The one-on-one sessions are those adopted by Dr. Tsan. He believes that group therapy does not deal with the real problem of a patient. Moreover, it does not matter if we are talking about serious disorders or bad habits; the goal is to approach the problem from the subconscious. This cannot be achieved properly in group therapy. This clinic focuses on individual sessions and offers the best treatment available nowadays. Spotting the cause, acknowledging it, and dealing with it is a lot easier when the patient has all the attention of the doctor.
Another thing that stands out when it comes to Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic is the fact that Dr. Tsan offers the possibility for a patient to first try the services. This means that the first consultation is free and allows the patient to decide whether or not he wants to continue the hypnosis treatment in Philadelphia with Dr. Tsan.
Hence, it is true that there are many people who claim they have a degree in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. In fact, the majority are impostors that focus only on material benefits. At Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic, the accent is put on the patients and their wellbeing. The goal is to help them to understand the causes of problems and to guide them through the healing process.
Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic is your best choice for Hypnotherapy in Philadelphia
So, let`s see why you should opt for this clinic led by Dr. Tsan for Hypnotherapy in Philadelphia. First of all, Dr. Tsan has many years of experience in dealing with different issues and he guides his session by the patient`s needs only. His main goal is to trigger a deeper response in the patient`s mind in order to replace destructive thoughts. Moreover, this clinic is internationally recognized and considered one of the best because it provides a wide range of services. Alcohol issues, smoking, weight loss, depression, ADD, ADHD, and even anger management, are all dealt with in this clinic. It is rather rare to have such a variety of services in a hypnotherapy clinic, so this is what makes this clinic stand out.
Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic also offers acupuncture and homeopathy. Homeopathy is all about determining the body to use its own healing mechanisms. Hence, both homeopathy and hypnosis treatment make a great team when it comes to healing from within. This clinic focuses on both types of therapy in order to provide the best services possible. Patients state the fact that this clinic is the place to go if you want to benefit from the most qualitative hypnosis treatment in Philadelphia.
The bottom line, if you want to benefit from the best hypnosis in Philadelphia, you should opt for the services provided by this clinic. This clinic is the award winner of Fox29 and PHL17 local TV stations, which makes a statement when it comes to the quality of the provided services.
For your hypnotherapy in Philadelphia choose Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic – the most trusted, professional entity. Google for clinical hypnotist near me or clinical hypnotherapist near me and see our center on the top of the first page. Check patients’ reviews and feel confident to call. At the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic all sessions performed in the so-called “hypnotarium” – darkened room with large screen projection and specially created relaxing music of the brain.
After each patient, this room is disinfected with high power UV irradiation. We keep our clinic clean and safe for our patients.