Disulfiram Implant Esperal

Esperal Implant for Alcoholism

Esperal implant, aka disulfiram-based implant, recently became the #1 treatment method in an alcohol addiction clinic. Disulfiram is a drug discovered in the 1920s and has been used since 1951 to cure chronic alcoholism due to its ability to increase the immune system’s sensitivity to alcohol. Disulfiram is the drug that prevents the release of the body enzyme that metabolizes alcohol. The inhibition of this enzyme causes severe problems, discomfort, and, in some rare cases, even health hazards to humans. Some people who drink alcohol build up a chemical called acetaldehyde in their bodies, which causes pain and an unpleasant physical reaction. Dehydrogenase, an enzyme in the liver, does not break down or metabolize this substance.

Esperal Implant Satellite

Disulfiram’s brand name is Antabuse. Disulfiram and Antabuse are very effective in causing a severe, brutal reaction if an individual takes them with alcohol. Still, many argue it is unsafe to be called a cure for alcoholism. Because even one bottle of beer, one cup of wine, or one shot of hard liquor is enough to cause the so-called Disulfiram-Ethanol Reaction (DER), which includes the cruelest symptoms like seizures, racing heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, dizziness, tinnitus, severe body aches, fear of death, flushing of the skin, syncope, mental confusion, visual disturbance, etc., the reaction of this drug is spontaneous and effective. It should be noted that whenever the drug is taken, it stays in the body for up to two weeks and causes these effects when alcohol is taken within the time frame. The “unpleasant” reactions caused by Antabuse or Disulfiram are, however, not the same for everyone, and they vary depending on gender, body weight, physical status, medical history, some genetic conditions, etc. In this article, I will discuss in detail how to take Antabuse and the side effects of this medicine.

Disulphiram-based Esperal Implant

The French company ESPERAL developed the newest and most effective type of disulfiram implant. The device is a thin-film microchip that contains a dispenser with five crystals of dry, 100% concentrated disulfiram. The bio-circuit ESPERAL analyzes patients’ bloodstream for alcohol levels every 15 minutes, and if this level goes above 0.05, it drops one crystal of disulfiram into the nearby capillaries. The disulfiram-ethanol reaction starts in approximately 35–50 seconds, and this reaction can’t be described as discomfort. It is an absolutely brutal response of the immune system. Once the disulfiram-ethanol reaction starts, it can’t be stopped, and the 911 team appears absolutely helpless. Depending on body weight, it lasts between 5 and 8 hours and stops only when the crystal of disulfiram ultimately expires.

Esperal Implant Ampule

The French company ESPERAL first developed the Esperal implantation technique in collaboration with the German needleless injector manufacturer Ejex and the iKare Corporation, in charge of communication between microchips and cloud servers.

Only Esperal-certified medical providers are allowed to implant this bio-circuit. Esperal Co. keeps control of each inserted microcircuit unit. Certified Esperal providers must provide patients access to the myesperal.com website to see their alcohol blood level and microchip status.

Certificate Certification

There are a few Esperal-certified medical providers in the USA. Philadelphia Addiction Center is one of the most popular Esperal clinics in the country. For the reasonable price of $1800, patients receive acupuncture treatment for complete system detoxification, a hypnotic session for stimulation and the development of self-confidence and desire, and an implantation procedure during the 4 hours of an office visit.

Disulfiram-based Esperal Implant

The newest and most effective form of disulfiram is Esperal Implant, developed by the French corporation Esperal in partnership with the German needleless syringe company Ejex and Care Philadelphia addiction center - disulfiram based implant ESPERALCorporation. In reality, Esperal is a microchip connected to a small dosator that contains five microcrystals of disulfiram. The microchip tests the blood for alcohol levels. If the alcohol level is within normal limits, nothing happens. If, however, the alcohol concentration rises above 0.099, Esperal drops one crystal of pure disulfiram from the container, and the DER starts. The esperal implant is active for up to five years before the surrounding tissues calcify it and render it inactive.

The internationally recognized narcologist and medical director of the Philadelphia Addiction Center, Victor Tsan, MD, can implant this microchip in the USA.

In conclusion, you can be sure of the effectiveness of Antabuse as a drug meant to stop alcoholism. It works well, and if taken based on the doctor’s description, it poses no danger to patients as long as experienced professionals administer it. Living as an alcoholic is dangerous and can cause chronic illnesses and death.

Esperal treatment for alcoholism

Our body has a specific reaction to alcohol.  It transforms it into a substance known as acetaldehydes, which, at high levels, acts as a toxin. The liver is responsible for dealing with these toxins, which is the main reason alcoholism is linked to several liver diseases. Esperal is the one that prevents the liver from breaking down the toxins, which leads to various physical symptoms. Hence, the patient experiences shortness of breath, palpitations, or nausea.

The development team

Those are meant to convince the patient to quit drinking. Remember that these symptoms are dreadful and can last a couple of hours. Hence, this is the main reason why patients who take Esperal end up choosing sobriety. Moreover, if the patient continues drinking while still taking this medication, it can cause severe side effects. Everything that has alcohol in it must be avoided for the treatment to be successful.

Esperal Implant 

Esperal implants first appeared in Europe. The clinical trials show their effectiveness and prove their ability to help patients reach long-term sobriety. The esperal implant is more useful than the pills because it has a higher impact on the brain and body. Also, when it comes to Esperal-implant for alcoholismpills, a patient may have a chance of not taking them. This means the Esperal implant is the best option for dealing correctly with alcoholism.

Fake and real Esperal

If you find an Esperal commercial with a picture like this one, it is counterfeit. Regrettably, many healing clinics in Eastern Europe currently promote a phony version of this medical device, Esperal pills, and invasive embedding techniques. Don’t fall for staves’ tricks; instead, be an expert patient.

Stare at this picture and cogitate the following:

  1. The label stays: “Made in the USA.” This is not true. No facility in the USA manufactures Esperal. The main factory and headquarters are located in Lion, France, and sometimes they use new plants in Switzerland.
  2. The label stays: “Without prescription.” Wrong!!! Even with a prescription, only Esperal-certified practitioners can get the Esperal device. It’s sold to narcologists only.
  3. “Distributed by Healthwise Medical, LTD.” remains on the label. There is no distribution company with this name in the USA.
  4. And finally, the label displays the factory address: “Farmington CN 003458.” But the problem is that there is no state in the USA with the abbreviation CN, and zip codes in the USA are five digits only.

Be careful and make the right decision before choosing the right therapy provider.

How does Esperal for alcoholism work?

So, how does this implant work? The answer is quite simple. It is inserted into the patient`s gluteus or brachial muscles, where it releases a dose of the drug during the entire life of the implant (up to 5 years).

Disulfiram, taken as pills or inserted as implants, usually causes a strong, nasty body response to alcohol. The following group of pharmaceutical agents contains disulfiram and is widely used for alcoholism treatment: Antabuse, Esperal, and Tetidis

Esperal for alcholism

The individual who takes 500 mg of disulfiram in the morning feels the following symptoms after a few sips of alcoholic drinks throughout the day:

  1. Irritated, inflamed face and neck
  2. Red spots all over the arms, legs, and trunk.
  3. Unsettled stomach.
  4. Shortness of breath.
  5. Migraine-like headache.
  6. Unsteadiness, vertigo, and faintness
  7. High blood pressure is swapped with low blood pressure.
  8. Tachycardia and arrhythmia
  9. Fear of death

Consumption of alcohol causes severe sickness and turns out to be intolerable. The downside of pill-blockers’ prescription for daily intake is that this treatment may face a situation when an alcoholic intentionally skips a daily dosage of pills due to a craving for alcohol. For that reason, a more consistent medical strategy is interventional disulfiram implantation. The best-known implant on the market is Esperal, available everywhere in Europe and finally coming to the USA.

Implantationtation Procedure.

The anti-alcohol device, better known in the USA as pellets, contains a microchip and a reservoir with highly concentrated disulfiram. The microchip controls the level of alcohol in the blood every 30 seconds. When this level reaches “high,” the patient receives a shot of disulfiram along with additional ingredients.

Esperal Implantation

The esperal implantation procedure is simple and practically painless. Using a special device similar to a needless syringe, the microchip is inserted into the tissues of the arm or hip with the help of a powerful air pressure injector. Implantation does not require even local anesthesia since it is painless and lasts for a fraction of a second. After this procedure, the post-surgical “scar” will disappear in about 10–15 minutes. After the insertion, patients don’t feel the device, and it does not bother them in any way. Depending on the size of the reservoir, this device may last and flawlessly work for six months to five years. Upon running out of the Esperal, it dissolves (melts) in the tissues, and there are no protocols for removing the expired implant. Esperal therapy delivers exceptional outcomes because the consumption of alcohol is practically intolerable while the Esperal functions.
The person in the film published below is Dr. Tsan’s patient, who has undergone the entire treatment for alcohol addiction, including the implantation of Esperal. After a few months of being clear-headed and having no urges for alcohol consumption, he experimented and tested to see if the chip worked. This was only one case in our clinic when the Esperal executed the Disulfiram Ethanol Reaction (DER). Our patient officially approved us to post this footage on the website.

Esperal Implant in Philadelphia, PA

So, if you want to benefit from the amazing effects of an Esperal implant, you can find it at the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic. Dr. Tsan will offer professional services to help you deal with your condition. It is the most innovative way to fight alcoholism. Moreover, it is proven to boost the effectiveness of alcoholism treatment.

To make an appointment for an initial free consultation and to discuss with Dr. Tsan your best options, contact our clinic at (267) 403-3085 or visit our online secure scheduling system.