Overcome Job Interview Anxiety With Hypnosis

Job interview anxiety is seen by psychologists, shrinks, and hypnotherapists very often in today’s world. While our country is recovering from the economic crisis and new jobs become available, employers are hiring more people. However, a job interview is the first step in getting a new job. Are you among those who feel anxious before an interview? Want to overcome this to succeed in your future? Let us talk about every aspect in detail.

Job interview anxiety

What is Job Interview Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural reaction of your body to an upcoming incident, fear, or stress. The fear of what will happen ahead makes you feel nervous and reduces your outcome in a particular situation or condition. It may be before a speech, a job interview, or your first day at school.

What is hypnosis for job interview anxiety?

Hypnosis is the human condition of concentrated attention and decreased peripheral sensation that enhances one’s ability to respond to a specific situation. It involves a process of positive mental practices, reprogramming the mental processes pleasantly, and helping one overcome deficiencies independently.

The Role of Hypnosis

Attention Here!  Have you lost your job? Or are you looking for your first one? Are you searching for a job? Are you anxious about the interview? Do you choke on the interview questions? Has your confusion become a hurdle for you in finding a job? That’s what we call job interview anxiety.

I am here for you to help! I understand the job interview is one of the most challenging phases for getting a job, as you may find it difficult to face a new person and answer his/her questions. People are usually nervous, and the interviewer asks tough questions, and they have a long list of past bad experiences to be rejected for the job despite all their capabilities. It may make you anxious. You experience symptoms like an elevated heart rate, increased breathing rate, nausea, sweating, depression, a shaky body, a blank mind, and becoming tongue-tied. Don’t worry! Hypnosis can help you out. It can help boost your self-confidence and morale.

People mainly concentrate on physical appearance, professional behavior, resume content, and canned responses regarding a job interview.

But these things, from my point of view, don’t matter to a great extent, and I am not going to discuss this. For a job interview, make sure to take your brain with you. I mean, you have to use your mind a bit more systematically because “what you say” doesn’t matter much; what really matters is “how you say” it and how you first encounter the interviewer.

Irrespective of the kind of job interview you are going for:

The first thing, the employer takes into consideration is your confidence. Remember, “Fortune favors the bold.” When you go for an interview, you meet the concerned person for the first time. So, you should display a picture of yourself that the other person can like. It’s no different than meeting someone else in your social circle, the sole difference is, it’s formal! So, don’t expect them to like you as a friend, take this task on your shoulders. And the first method through which you can practice this is by emitting confidence. Ensure you display confidence in your vocals, body language, actions, postures, facial expressions, and eye contact. Keep in mind that people are obsessed with confidence. Confidence is a sign of reliability. You must display yourself as a confident person in a few minutes; only then are your words taken seriously. Otherwise, your qualifications, capabilities, and skills are all in vain.

Make sure you are mentally prepared for a job interview. The interview is not a sport. But today, you must compete for it as players do for their game. When you take it as a competition, your body generates a different energy to strive for it.  90% of job interview success depends on what you do for it beforehand. Being mentally prepared helps you compete well with others. You must have seen hypnotherapists hypnotizing the athletes and causing them to visualize the outcome they want; this allows the athletes to improve their performance to the next level. Remember, the vibes that your brain and heart give to your body are your performance, which means what your mind gives your body, and that’s what you can do for yourself. It is mental preparation. It helps reduce your job interview anxiety and confusion, which instills positive thoughts. It is how hypnosis works. So, hypnosis can help you greatly in your following job interview.

Here are some tips on using hypnosis for yourself and boosting your energy for your upcoming job interview.

Always go for a job interview in a good mood. Before going, do something that makes you happy. For example, you can listen to music, read a book, watch a talk show, movie, or comedy show, meet your close friend or relative, go to your favorite restaurant, or do anything else that works for you.

Visit the company’s website and read the information about how to work, their terms and conditions, and much more in detail. Try to feel happy and pleased while reading this. Keep telling yourself it would be a great experience working here, and I surely want to do this.

Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Try to recall the moments when you felt utterly proud and confident about yourself. Try to feel that time from the core of your heart.

Take out a print of the company’s logo and cut it out in playing card size.

When you dress up for your job interview, paste the logo on the chest part as if it’s a signed shirt of the company.

Now, see yourself in the mirror as a company employee, as the company has already hired you. Feel optimistic about working for the company. Smile and feel happy, and think of this as an excellent experience for you.

Now, imagine yourself in the past. Think about how you nailed the job interview, how the company didn’t resist a minute to hire you, and how glad you were then. Now, you are wearing a uniform and working enthusiastically for the company.

Take a notepad and a pen and write positive and affirmative words like smile, happy, glad, success, confidence, etc.

Then, write down phrases like I am great. I love myself; I can do, etc.

Then, write down the questions you expect to be asked of you and try to answer them. Be fully confident this time. Keep telling yourself this is easy, and you can answer this; you have a lot of ability.

Repeat the above steps the night before, whenever you have to go for an interview.

Overcome job interview anxiety.

Always wear professional and formal clothes for the job interview, and don’t be very casual. Don’t wear sweats except if you are going for an interview for a health club job, and shorts except for a position at a beach. Don’t display your tattoos except when working at a nightclub, bar, or parlor. Remove all the jewelry and piercings, and be decent. Always switch off your mobile phone, and never call or text during the interview. It won’t present you as a reliable or responsible person.

Don’t speak unnecessarily. Give a to-the-point answer to whatever is asked of you. Unnecessary details irritate the listener, and he/she loses interest in your talk. In addition, you give the interviewer questions through your talk, and those questions, in return, can confuse you.

If possible, park your car in privacy and repeat steps 1–9 just before. Enter the company with a smiling face. You can be sure about it by noticing the responses of the people around you. The guard at the gate will smile you back if you enter with a smiling face, and then the receptionist at the reception will do the same. And then, when the interviewer notices you are so happy, calm, confident, and emitting positive vibes, he/she will be impressed with you and will like you at the first encounter.

What you can do in addition to overcoming anxiety

Furthermore, some motivational videos can help you overcome interview anxiety. You can also seek the help of some expert hypnotherapists. Eminent hypnotherapists claim that hypnosis can boost their clients’ confidence by 90–95%. It inculcates positivity in them, helps them overcome their deficiencies, and performs a more productive role for themselves and the people around them. Many hypnotherapists say that their clients have been qualified for jobs after their assistance, and these people were initially very anxious, confused, and underconfident. They couldn’t make full use of their abilities. The point is that you have to believe that hypnotherapy works. It can be a beneficial companion for you. It can revolutionize your life, and you will be your fate’s architect. Just believe in yourself and the power of hypnosis. I hope these tips help you. I wish you all the best for future job interviews!

How to prepare for a job interview and overcome anxiety in Philadelphia.

After you read the recommendations above, you are probably ready to pass your job interview successfully. If, however, you believe you need professional help to overcome your job interview anxiety, we are here to help.

Victor Tsan, a doctor and hypnotist, is the director of the Philadelphia Hypnosis Clinic, which houses various holistic practices under one roof. You may need an acupuncture treatment to stabilize your emotions and equalize the energy flow in multiple areas of your emotional sphere, or you may be a great candidate for a hypnotic treatment that will create and develop positive synapses in your subconscious mind. With these positive synapses, you will consider a job interview as a part of your regular daily routine that causes no anxiety. While being interviewed, you will act like you are acting with your family members or friends.

To discuss your optimal treatment for job interview anxiety, schedule an appointment for an initial evaluation at the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic; contact the clinic at (215) 621-8434