Hypnosis For Social Anxiety

Treatment for social anxiety

Treatment for social anxiety generally includes prescription medications such as Paxil, Xanax, Librium, Valium, and Ativan. The benefit of medical treatments for social anxiety is that they work quickly. The drawback is that they mask the underlying root of the problem and can also cause side effects. Speaking to your physician about the medical treatment options is always essential.

Treatment for Social Anxiety

The primary focus of cognitive-behavioral therapy is to move the person’s thoughts in a more rational direction and help them stop avoiding situations that once caused anxiety. It attempts to teach people to react differently to the conditions that trigger their anxiety symptoms. A therapist typically administers cognitive-behavioral therapy in a group or individual setting.

Social anxiety, also called social phobia, is a disorder that causes a person to feel intense fear in social situations or public performances, such as public speaking.

According to the Social Anxiety Association, social anxiety disorder is the world’s third-most significant psychological problem today, affecting fifteen million Americans annually. Even though the medical community is finally starting to recognize and treat the symptoms of social anxiety, people who suffer from the disorder are still misdiagnosed 90% of the time.

There are generally two main approaches to treatment for a social anxiety disorder: medical (Western) and natural (holistic).

Causes of social anxiety

The exact cause of social anxiety is unknown. However, current research shows that environmental factors and genetics cause it.

  • Learning environment: commonly referred to as “conditioning,” a person’s learning environment can play a part in developing anxiety disorders. By way of example, a person’s learning environment could be being exposed to parents, siblings, or caregivers who suffer from a social anxiety disorder; the person will likely develop similar habits.
  • Psychological factors include past negative experiences and particular events in which a person was perhaps extremely embarrassed or humiliated in front of a group of people.

Causes of anxiety

Other possible causes of social anxiety:

Another possible cause of social anxiety is physical abnormalities such as a serotonin imbalance that may contribute to this condition. Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that helps regulate mood. An overactive amygdala (a structure in the brain that controls fear responses and feelings or thoughts of anxiety) may also cause these disorders.

Social anxiety symptoms

Social anxiety has varying degrees, though, for the most part, people will experience mild-moderate symptoms. However, some may fall victim to social anxiety disorder, which is much more severe and can affect a person’s ability to cope in social environments.

Signs that you are anxious

Listed below are social anxiety symptoms:

  • Regular or frequent panic attacks. These panic attacks are powerful in situations where you might feel others are judging you.
  • Avoidance of social situations to avoid discomfort.
  • You are changing your daily routines to accommodate fear. If you are canceling appointments, avoiding meetings, or skipping lunch dates due to your anxiety, you are experiencing social anxiety symptoms.
  • Friendships become challenging to make or maintain.
  • You turn to alcohol or illegal substances to replace missing friendships or provide temporary comfort.

Other symptoms of social anxiety are

  • Excessive sweating
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Rapid heart rate

If these symptoms sound all too familiar, it’s time to take a step in the right direction. Help is widely available to treat social anxiety symptoms through self-help techniques, professional therapy, and prescription medication. Also, herbal and natural remedies offer a wide range of products that can help ease your symptoms of social anxiety disorder, so keep them in mind when considering your options.

Natural treatments for social anxiety

There are also natural treatments for social anxiety disorder, which is one of the most effective ways to overcome social anxiety. Natural remedies for social anxiety help to attack the root of the problem so that the individual achieves long-term success. It also causes no side effects. Natural treatments for social anxiety can be divided into cognitive-behavioral therapy, meditation, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbs, and so on.

Natural Treatment for Social Anxiety

Listed below are different natural remedies for social anxiety

Meditation for social anxiety is the most common natural treatment for social anxiety

Meditation for social anxiety is one of the natural remedies for social anxiety and can help you learn to manage the symptoms of social anxiety disorder.


The practice of meditation for social anxiety can be done through mindfulness or guided meditation, which involves learning to become aware of your emotions and thoughts without analyzing or reacting to them. This can be accomplished through guided meditation practice.

Herbs for social anxiety: an effective home-based natural treatment for social anxiety

Herbs for social anxiety help to relieve the nerves and reduce the symptoms of social anxiety.

Medicinal Herbs

Listed below are herbs for social anxiety that are effective.

  • Lavender: This pleasantly powerful and distinctive aromatic herb for social anxiety is known for its calming properties. Also, it is considered valuable for soothing and strengthening the nervous system, and, as such, it is also well known as a natural tonic for the nervous system.
  • Passion Flower: Passion Flower is often used for its calming effect to combat social anxiety, stress, and insomnia.
  • Kava Kava – Kava Kava is one of the powerful herbs for social anxiety that is highly touted as nature’s valium because it promotes calming and relaxing effects.

Yoga for social anxiety: an ancient Indian natural treatment for social anxiety

Yoga for social anxiety is a natural treatment for social anxiety. Practicing can lead to physiological changes in your brain and reduce stress. In other words, the connections in your brain could change.

Yoga breathing exercises

Regular yoga practice can help you stay calm and relaxed and give you the strength to face events as they come.

Ideally, yoga for social anxiety practice includes the complete package of asanas (body postures), pranayamas (breathing techniques), meditation, and the ancient yoga philosophy, which has helped several social anxiety patients recover and face life with new positivity and strength.

Homeopathy for social anxiety: an effective and safe natural treatment for social anxiety

Homeopathy for social anxiety is a safe, gentle, and natural system of medicine that works on the body to relieve symptoms. It is safe to use and doesn’t have any side effects.

Homeopathic Remedies for Social Anxiety

Listed below are homeopathic medicines for social anxiety

Ambra Grisea

  • It is an excellent medicine for treating the fear of facing people.


  • This is an excellent homeopathic medicine for people with poor or low self-esteem.


  • This is one of the leading homeopathic remedies. It is ideal for people who are afraid of speaking in public.

Hypnosis for social anxiety: the #1 effective natural treatment for social anxiety

Hypnosis for social anxiety is very effective and successfully used by professional psychotherapists and hypnotherapists. Do you know how to manage social anxiety with hypnosis? For most individuals, that sounds unbelievable or far-fetched. You may have seen hypnosis on TV and in the movies. Will it provide possible therapeutic benefits or not?

Hypnosis for Social Anxiety

We have been utilizing hypnotherapy for millions of years in all clinical settings. A piece of research proposes that treating hypnosis for social anxiety is an excellent tool; in some cases, hypnotherapy can assist individuals in overcoming all kinds of stress. Here, a question must originate in your mind: How does it work? How can individuals start using hypnosis when experiencing anxiety?

Gaining control over social anxiety

For the majority of people, automatic thinking leads to social anxiety. We assume ourselves in any social situation that is stressful as well, and our palms may initiate sweating, and thoughts begin to race. We start feeling worried. In other words, it is all automatic.

Stressful stimuli send an electrical charge to the brain, whether at an office holiday party or a first date. After that, the mind-brain works into action and informs the body how to react.

After some time, we have learned how to respond to the stimuli. We have had many experiences over the years. The psyche is skilled when reacting, but unfortunately, this reaction is unhealthy and problematic and influences the quality of life. So, what kind of assistance can you expect from social anxiety hypnosis?

The plan of hypnotherapy for social anxiety can assist you in eliminating or reducing the subconscious, automatic responses, have increased control over your thinking, empower you to be in tune with the emotions, and assist you in releasing the past traumas that bring anxious thinking and stress.

But the problem lies here, when most people have no idea about hypnosis.

What is hypnosis for social anxiety?

Despite what you see in contemporary culture, you cannot lose control during hypnosis, and it cannot be utilized for brainwashing or mind control. As an alternative, the trance aims to reach a state of relaxation and heightened focus. This process can make you able to close your conscious mind and the sound in your head and talk fast to the subconscious. In this condition, your subconscious mind is receptive and open to new suggestions and information.

Hypnosis with a goal is similar to meditation. And it is because you can use the same frame of mind in meditation and hypnotherapy. But the variation is that, with the help of hypnosis, you cannot relax your mind. You can work directly with the subconscious when you get there, giving it new ways and information to process all the sensory details in the real world. While repeating, you can initiate retaining the subconscious to participate in more healthy manners.

Self-hypnosis definition?

Self-hypnosis is a process or the result of a self-induced hypnotic state.

When you follow a hypnosis plan by yourself, it is called self-hypnosis. With self-hypnosis, you do not need the help of a licensed hypnotherapist or a record. You can set it up quickly and practice self-hypnosis in your drawing or living room.

With the help of self-hypnosis, you can follow all the steps to attain hypnosis. The steps are:

  • Relaxing the mind and body
  • Giving suggestions for your subconscious (hypnoaffirmations)
  • Visualizing yourself free from anxiety

A powerful tool for anxiety is self-hypnosis for concern. For beginners, it can be used anytime—similar to a stressful experience or whenever you feel anxious in response to a stressful situation. You can practice it at work, at home, and every day. And it is the thing you can use throughout life when you master it.

Hypnosis Treatment: Step-by-Step

Before you get started, it is essential to discover the steps of a hypnosis session and recognize how they can assist you in empowering the subconscious. It is pretty simple; hypnosis for social anxiety can include a few or 15 minutes. The steps involve:

  • Techniques of Relaxation: Hypnosis begins by relaxing the mind and body. Starting to relax makes the body stop worrying and enter a relaxed and deep frame of mind. One of the most common techniques used is deep breathing. Hence, you can take many deep and long breaths before you start.
  • Entering Social Anxiety Hypnosis: The initial phase of hypnosis needs to follow a script that will assist your mind in relaxing. Most of the writings on hypnosis walk you through attaining a trance. You can set up something as simple as repeating countdowns and positive declarations. Now, you will find your mind and body relaxed, and you can enter into a state of hypnosis, like daydreaming.
  • Reciting Hypnoaffirmation: When you have a state of relaxation and intense focus, you can contact the subconscious and talk to it directly. In this situation, the subconscious is open to ideas, and that’s why a hypnoaffirmation is a realistic and positively worded recommendation associated with anxiety. The suggestions from the source of hypnosis assist you in releasing the already-present automatic subconscious feelings that keep stress in place.
  • Visualization: Multiple scripts for social anxiety hypnosis involve visualization. For instance, you may be asked to visualize yourself as collected, confident, and free of anxiety. It aids in reinforcing the suggestions. You would have to stay calm and relaxed until they are willing to wake up and go about the day—the same as meditation.

The hypnosis for social anxiety walks you through the above steps. It is an excellent tool for relieving social stress through hypnosis and improving confidence in your social settings for a long time. You can start a self-hypnosis practice at home, and one of the easiest ways is through a helpful recording.

What should I expect from hypnosis treatment?

A great thing about social anxiety hypnosis is that you can see multiple positive results after the first session. They can be quite pronounced or may be subtle. But when you relax your body and unwind your mind, it will give you relief. The excellent benefits of hypnosis include:

  • SENSE OF CLARITY: Hypnosis allows your body and thoughts to relax. You will feel refreshed when you open your eyes.
  • DECREASED SYMPTOMS: An essential benefit is reducing anxiety symptoms after hypnosis. You will feel an increase in confidence and less worry. That’s why it is best to do it before you get into any stressful situation.
  • IMPROVED MOOD: Anxiety results in racing thoughts and increases stress. A quick session of hypnosis can assist in improving your mood.

Long-term results take time.

Don’t forget that self-hypnosis is a skill, and learning a new skill always takes time. You cannot sit and approach the same state that has done it for many years. But you will be amazed at how comfortable it is with daily practice. You would feel a calm state of clarity or reduction in the symptoms after the first hypnosis session, and the research indicates that extended benefits can take place after six sessions. You will experience incremental progress if you stick with it.

Tips for having a consistent hypnosis practice.

Hypnosis works at its best through daily practice. It is appropriate for a situation similar to anxiety, in which a traumatic event can activate in a matter of seconds.

Before starting your hypnosis for social anxiety treatment, plan to practice once a day for almost a week before you give it up. It’s not easy. We all live busy lives, and finding an extra 5 to 15 minutes is challenging. But it is essential.

Tips for success in hypnosis for social anxiety sessions:

  • COMFORTABLE, QUIET LOCATION: You can find a comfortable and quiet place in your office or home to create a hypnosis space. Suitable blinds, plants, chairs, or a feature of water can assist in increasing the serenity of the place.
  • CHOOSE A TIME: Picking a time for hypnosis can be beneficial to keeping you on track. But the tip is not to be so accurate. You can practice meditation when you have a break for lunch.
  • START SLOWLY. If you initiate a jogging system, you will not try to run around 20 miles each day. It would be best if you paced yourself. You can commit first to short bursts you can keep, similar to a session of 5 minutes per day. The same is true for hypnosis.
  • Focus on basics; when you start, you can focus on the form. You should practice good posture and breathing, read your hypnoaffirmations with conviction, and follow your script.
  • Keep learning; you can master hypnosis and read books. Explore studies and research, and learn new techniques. You can expand your knowledge; it will assist you in maximizing effectiveness.

You can track progress and the level of anxiety before and after hypnosis and write down how you can respond to stressful situations throughout the day.

Hypnosis for Social Anxiety in Philadelphia

Victor Tsan, MD, combines hypnosis for social anxiety with homeopathic medicines and gets positive results in 90% of his clinical cases. Sometimes, the treatment combined with acupuncture increases the effectiveness by up to 95%–97%. If you need professional help to fight your anxiety, contact the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic at 215-621-8434 and ask if Dr. Tsan can consult you.

Use our online scheduling system to book your appointment for Alternative Holistic Evaluation, or contact our clinic at (267) 403-3085, and we will assist you.