Psychological coding for alcoholism
Psychological coding for alcoholism is one of the most effective treatments narcologists use in the USA and worldwide. By now, everyone knows that alcoholism is a disease. Alcoholism cannot be cured, but it can be stopped. To live a normal life, an alcoholic must completely abstain from alcohol. Having fallen ill, a person remains an alcoholic for the rest of his or her life; they will never be able to consume alcohol in moderate or small amounts. He or she has to choose whether to quit alcohol fully and for good or perish. Those who choose life are called sober alcoholics or abstinent drinkers. There is a common joke among sober alcoholics: ‘An alcoholic cannot become a moderate drinker, just like it’s impossible to turn a pickled cucumber into a fresh one.’
Psychological Coding
Psychological coding for alcoholism, or psycho-therapeutic coding for alcoholism, is the process involving various psycho-therapeutic techniques and the patient’s mental reserves. This is a long-term and steady method. Psychological coding for alcoholism is one of the oldest and most time-tested techniques. Psychoanalytic treatment for alcoholism and autogenic training had been in use at the beginning of the 20th century before anti-alcohol drugs and antidepressants were developed. The treatment resulted in stable improvement and helped patients quit using alcohol for good. Psychological treatment for alcohol is safe and reliable. Still, it requires a lot of time since it is impossible to eliminate the malignant symptoms that have been manifesting for years in just a few minutes or hours. To use a patient’s mental reserves, his or her desire and patience are insufficient since a fair amount of time is also required. Cooperation between the doctor and the patient is one of the conditions for successful treatment. A combination of hypnosuggestive therapy, neuro-linguistic programming, and behavioral and psychoanalytic therapy is the most widely used type of treatment for alcoholism. This technique successfully applies to patients who wish to understand their mistakes and misconceptions and change their behavior. This treatment technique is specifically indicated for patients who develop alcoholic dependency associated with long-term heavy consumption.
Alcoholism is a problem of codependency.
While discussing the psychological coding for alcohol addiction, it is necessary to mention codependency. People close to the patient with alcohol dependence always experience prominent neurotic conditions similar to the drinkers. An alcoholic’s family constantly experiences a state of anxious anticipation, and relatives of the person who suffers from alcoholism always expect alcohol abuse to resume. In such families, interpersonal relationships are always compromised, and close people remain in conflict. The psychotherapeutic method solves this issue successfully. Sometimes, a patient’s family goes through a course of treatment together with him or her. This plays a significant role in restoring a healthy family climate and creating a favorable atmosphere for all the family members to get along. Sessions with co-dependent relatives are conducted both in groups and individually in the form of training. In our clinic, high priority is attributed to this method of treatment. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people who wish to conquer the disease by utilizing their mental reserves and changing their psychological and emotional state through psychotherapy. Patients who fear drug therapy or want to stop taking medications prefer the method. Alcoholism: hypnosuggestive and psychoanalytic therapy. We actively apply a combination of hypnosuggestive and psychoanalytic therapy. If a patient follows the doctor’s recommendations, the effects of treatment are commonly observed after the first month or earlier. Such treatment prevents the patient from worrying about accidentally using alcohol and acquiring heavy disorders. It strengthens the patient’s belief in the body’s nervous, immune, and spiritual capabilities. Psychological coding for alcoholism facilitates recovery from depression and anxiety, which often leads to abusing alcohol to relax and relieve stress. Aside from that, there is one more important aspect of psychological coding for alcoholism: such treatment completely restores the compromised interpersonal relationships and understanding between the patient, the patient’s friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors that are always damaged because of alcohol abuse. The main feature of psycho-therapeutic approaches for alcohol abuse recovery is safety and the absence of side effects. Patients experience improvements in their quality of life and perception of the world. Psychotherapy can be combined well with coding for alcoholism and drug treatment, significantly facilitating psychological coding for alcoholism. hypnotic coding for alcholism Nowadays, using hypnosis for treating alcohol abuse is extremely popular. The psychotherapist puts the patient in a special state and inoculates the individual with disgust towards the taste, appearance, and smell of alcohol. Aside from that, the physician initiates a program of consequences for violating the alcohol-free diet by suggesting that even one sip of alcohol might lead to an unfortunate outcome. Contemporary Narcology has obtained the means of effectively dealing with numerous dependencies and addictions. It is not an exaggeration. A revolutionary breakthrough occurred after developing and implementing coding techniques for pathological dependencies. First, it is coding for alcoholism, which is spreading and is one of the most common diseases, although it has not been officially registered. This is why no government programs aimed at eliminating this important social issue have been implemented yet.
Coding for alcoholism consists of psycho-therapeutic influence on a patient to relieve psychological dependence on alcohol. This method is most effective for people who are susceptible to hypnosis. During coding, the doctor influences the patient’s subconscious to form a sense of disgust for alcohol. One session is enough. However, there is a disadvantage. A patient must abstain from alcohol for 15-20 days before coding. The effect of coding happens because the patient acquires a conditioned reflex, thanks to the experience of a negative reaction from drinking substitutes, for a feeling of satisfaction. When the person understands alcohol is bad, the body deals with physiological problems independently. Since the patient should have absolutely no access to alcohol during the treatment, it is best to have the addict under observation daily. After the completion of coding, even 50 g of alcohol can result in a severe, brutal response.
Pharmaceutical treatment for Alcoholism
Currently, this is the most widespread method of treatment for chronic alcoholism. It is applied in all drug treatment centers and clinics. First, it is connected with the patient’s and their relatives’ wish to eliminate the issue within the shortest possible time. The application of alcohol-blocking drugs can ensure such a result. Their effect is quick and can last different periods depending on the dosage, form, and method of drug administration, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body and habitual circumstances. Advantages of the method:
- Suitable for treating any form and stage of alcoholism;
- The only method of treating alcohol addiction, overdose, and delirium symptoms is
- Effective for supporting therapy and preventing relapse of the disease;
- A wide range of dosages and methods of drug administration;
- Available in drugstores and comprehensible in terms of drug administration.
Types of medications and treatment devices.
There are two main groups of alcohol-blocking drugs applied in coding for alcoholism: Competitors (inhibitors) of opioid receptors in the brain. These medicines bind to the opioid receptors to protect them from the irritant effect of alcohol. When psychoactive substances stimulate these receptors, they can only release certain chemicals when they are free. This is what makes people feel happy when they are drunk. The main drug in the group of alcohol-blocking medicines is Naltrexone. It is available in pills, injectable solutions, and prolonged capsules for subcutaneous or intramuscular implantation. Toxicotherapy drugs. Drugs in this group produce toxic effects similar to alcohol overdose. Antabuse and its generic form, Disulfiram, are the typical representatives of the group. Virtually all healthy people who experience severe alcohol intoxication are familiar with the unpleasant sensations that appear the next day. This is the principle according to which such drugs work. Taking disulfiram stops enzymes, which is important for removing harmful byproducts of breaking down ethanol. As a result, they accumulate in the body and lead to severe intoxication. This effect happens only due to the reaction between disulfiram and ethanol, also known as the disulfiram-ethanol reaction (DER). As soon as a tiny amount of alcohol is consumed, DER comes into action, and an addict experiences cruel “discomfort.” Naturally, the amount of alcohol consumed while taking such medications doesn’t change the symptoms’ strength, length, or severity. Once DER starts, it lasts between 4 and 8 hours, depending on body weight. Methods of drug administration are chosen individually, depending on the type and stage of addiction. In acute conditions, tablet forms of Naltrexone are prescribed, making it possible to maintain an adequate drug dose in the blood, depending on the patient’s condition. During the remission stage, the patient is either given injections into the muscle or long capsules or gel-like substances are filled under the skin. These slowly release a stable drug dose to keep the treatment course going and prevent relapse. The only drawback of the method is its relative expensiveness. Products of this sort are often costly, and not all patients can afford them. Aside from that, severe symptoms of intoxication occur if patients violate the therapeutic regimen in the course of disulfiram treatment. Laser Coding for Alcoholism The method is based on how certain laser beams affect nerve cells in the brain that are in charge of creating pathological alpha alcoholism. It results in the erasure of the information that was stored there. Thus, they become free from any previous dependencies and the need for additional external stimulation to function normally. The developers of this method claim that it affects the core of the problem and is 100% effective if the patient has not yet developed a physical dependency on alcohol.
Advantages of laser treatment for alcoholism:
- It is a course of therapy that does not require continuous use.
- Harmless;
- Absence of side effects;
- Relative affordable.
- Highly effective for stage I or II of alcoholism.
The disadvantages are:
- uselessness at stage III of alcoholism
- the laser device is expensive and available at limited treatment centers
The number of sessions required and the terms of their performance are prescribed individually, depending on the effectiveness of the previous ones. Usually, 2-3 laser therapy sessions are sufficient to make the patient forget about alcoholism for good. The method is rather popular but not widespread since it requires expensive equipment that few establishments can afford. Coding for Alcoholism with the Help of Hypnosis This method is based on the positive effects of therapeutic hypnotic sessions. Hypnosis is a physical and mental condition that occurs when a person is experiencing a transitional state between sleeping and awakening. While in a hypnotic trance, the conscious part of the brain turns off, and the subconscious concentrates on the hypnotherapist only. Thus, the brain experiences an unconscious state and features minimal activity from electromagnetic processes, but it does not lose the ability to receive external information from the hypnotist. Once a patient is in a trance, the practitioner records the incoming information into the memory archives of the subconscious part of the nervous system. Using these features, an experienced hypnotherapist can relax a patient to such an extent that the patient perceives all the following words as the main instruction. After returning from the hypnotic state, all the subsequent activity of the neural cells is aimed at performing the embedded truths. Dovzhenko’s METHOD: CODING FOR ALCOHOLISM The most frequently used method of coding for alcoholism in psychological practice is the clinical Dovzhenko method. This Russian doctor in the 1980s was the first to suggest treating alcohol dependency by influencing the subconscious. Nowadays, many Russian clinics actively use the Dovzhenko technique. The essence of psychological coding for alcoholism is the “infusion” of refusing alcohol for a certain period. As a rule, the influence on the psyche is performed through hypnosis. The effectiveness of psychological coding mostly depends on the patient’s individual characteristics. Everything should be considered, from each drink’s duration to the illness’s general term. As a rule, the method significantly decreases and sometimes eliminates the craving for alcoholic drinks. When considering performing psychological coding for alcohol addiction, it is important to understand that patients have a possibility of living a normal sober life, and the future only depends on themselves. They can brace themselves and be fully cured, or they can relapse and repeat everything. This method is not purely psychotherapeutic since it involves certain hypnotic elements. This unique technique implies putting a person into a hypnotic state while the eyes remain open. The information to be imported into the centers of the brain while the person is experiencing such a state should be aimed at creating a dominant (basic) attitude toward the refusal of alcohol. This can be achieved either by justifying the mortal danger of alcohol abuse or by appealing to the positive qualities of the person related to the responsibility for family members. This is why this method is attributed to emotional stress psychotherapy. The strongest of all the human brain’s pre-existing unconditioned reflexes, the survival instinct, inspired its creation and implementation. The second element is awakening the person’s feelings and emotions that are inherent in nature due to the presence of higher nervous activity. They are emotions and reasoning capacity. These mechanisms shut down and lose their dominant position in people suffering from alcoholism. Naturally, an unusual craving for alcohol takes its place. The developer of the original technique, Dovzhenko, managed to rearrange a person’s priorities by reminding him or her of death anxiety or what a person should be like by making a comparison to the harsh reality. Hypnotherapy is not easy to perform. Looking into someone’s subconscious is a perfect mastery, let alone programming the brain to perform certain actions. This is why the depth of hypnosis applied in the technique should be superficial enough for the patient to perceive information through all sensory organs, especially through the visual analyzer, which is the strongest. When certain emotions and feelings are invoked in such a manner, alternating positive and negative moments, they motivate abstinence in connection with the mortal danger of alcohol and the usefulness of life to be experienced in cases of abstinence. This method is noteworthy because patients are programmed to experience disgust for alcohol for a certain time. It can be achieved with just one session lasting approximately two hours. Three years is considered the best term for coding for alcoholism through this technique. It is strongly recommended that you undergo repeated sessions with the same specialist to consolidate the effect. After analyzing all the data concerning modern methods of treating alcohol dependency, it is possible to draw several conclusions:
- Only the person’s desire is required to cure an addict from the bad habit effectively.
- Patients should be prepared for a long-term and steady elimination of the problem.
- Every patient requires an individual approach and treatment technique.
- Complex therapy combining all possible methods of coding is necessary.
- Strict observance of the therapeutic regimen will ensure a relapse-free course and prevent treatment’s side effects.
CONSEQUENCES OF ‘CODE BREAKING’ A “coded” patient must understand that even a sip of alcohol can lead to ‘code breaking.’ The psychological consequences of this action can vary. One person’s body may not react to consuming alcohol, while another’s will not be able to survive. There are known cases when a coded person experienced paralysis after using alcohol. Another negative consequence is blindness, which can manifest in a few weeks and not immediately. In several cases, codebreaking resulted in death. But do not jump to conclusions in horror, rejecting the idea of psychological coding for alcohol addiction. Statistics are inexorable: every year, hundreds of times more people die from alcoholism than from code-breaking. Aside from that, it is possible to avoid the negative consequences of consuming alcohol after coding by immediately contacting the doctor who performed the hypnosis.
From Coding For Alcoholism to Treatment
Once a person has been coded, he or she stops drinking, smoking, or gambling. They receive a ban on unhealthy behavior, but their dependence remains. It becomes harder for a coded person to live since they are deprived of the possibility of relaxing and resting habitually. Their stimulant is taken away, while no substitute is offered. A person with a ‘code’ is similar to a caged wild animal waiting to break free. They cannot wait to go on a bender. Some people can wait until such a time, but others are unaffected by death anxiety. Repeated coding after such a relapse is seldom effective. This is why an addicted patient requires long-term psychotherapeutic treatment, and coding should only be considered the initial stage, followed by psychotherapeutic work. A ban alone is insufficient; a change has to happen in the person (in his or her thoughts, views, and behavior), allowing him or her to rebuild his their life and experience new possibilities while actualizing his or her potential. This is the aim set out for the course of psychotherapy that helps a person get free from the addiction, find a successful behavioral strategy, and become happy. The best addition to psychological coding for alcoholism is an Esperal implant. Also, the psychological coding is a part of esperal implantation and you get both treatments during the same treatment procedure.
Esperal Implant – Great Addiction to Psychological Coding for Alcoholism
Implanting the Esperal device offers a unique and effective approach to managing alcoholism. As someone looking to overcome problematic drinking, understanding how this innovative disulfiram implant works can help you make informed choices about your treatment options.
The Esperal implant, also known as the Antabuse implant, delivers a sustained release of disulfiram, a medication designed to deter alcohol consumption. Once the implant is placed under your skin, it gradually releases small doses of the drug over time, creating a constant therapeutic effect. This means you do not have to remember to take a daily pill, which can often be a barrier in maintaining sobriety.
When disulfiram is in your system, it interferes with the way your body metabolizes alcohol. Specifically, if you consume alcohol while the Esperal implant is active, you will experience “unpleasant” physical reactions. These can include flushing, palpitations, nausea, and vomiting. Given these severe reactions, this medication works to condition you to avoid drinking altogether, helping to reinforce your commitment to sobriety.
Before opting for the Esperal implant, it is crucial to evaluate your situation thoroughly. Consultation with a healthcare professional who specializes in addiction is a necessary step. They will assess your health history, your level of alcohol dependence, and whether the disulfiram implant is suitable for you. If you have certain conditions or are taking medications that may interact negatively with disulfiram, it’s important to disclose this information.
The procedure for receiving the Esperal implant is straightforward. A healthcare professional will perform a minor surgical procedure to implant the device in the fatty tissue of your upper arm. The process is typically quick and painless. allowing you to return to your normal activities immediately after.
After the implant is in place, regular check-ups will be vital to monitor your progress and manage any potential side effects. While the Esperal implant can significantly aid in your recovery journey, it’s only one component of a comprehensive treatment plan. It is advisable to engage in counseling, therapy, or support groups, as they can provide you with crucial coping strategies and emotional support.
It’s crucial to understand that while the Esperal implant can be a powerful tool in your fight against alcohol dependency, it does not replace the need for psychological and social support. Building a strong support network can greatly enhance your chances of long-term sobriety.
To put it briefly, the Esperal implant offers a practical and effective option for those seeking to overcome alcoholism. By understanding how it works and committing to a comprehensive treatment plan, you can take significant steps toward reclaiming your life from alcohol dependency.
Coding for Alcoholism in Philadelphia
At the Philadelphia Addiction Center, Victor Tsan, MD, the successor of the internationally recognized psychotherapist and specialist in narcology, Alexander Dovzhenko, MD, performs coding for alcohol-addicted patients with the help of either Hypnotherapy, disulfiram-based implant Esperal, or both simultaneously for a better result.
For more information, contact us at (267) 403-3085