Clinical Hypnosis Therapy

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1 Hypnosis Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnosis Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnosis therapy is a psychological treatment that induces specific unconscious changes in a patient. These changes can take the form of new reactions, thoughts, attitudes, feelings, or even changes in behavior.

As the name suggests, hypnotherapy involves hypnosis. Thus, the hypnotized person shows unusual behavioral characteristics, such as an increased reaction ability, compared to non-hypnotized persons. One thing to be aware of is that only hypnotherapists with medical training should perform hypnotherapy. 

hypnotherapy treatment at Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic

According to Dr. John Kappas, the founder of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, hypnotherapy’s objective is “inducing a patient into a state of hypnosis by increasing or moderating the behavior patterns.” In the past, hypnotherapy as a discipline has been challenging to define as it has been claimed as part of medical, psychological, and complementary therapy. Part of her practice falls into each of these areas, but she doesn’t entirely fall into any of them.

Since 1954, the British Medical Association has recognized hypnosis as a valuable therapeutic method, but many renowned psychologists and psychiatrists have taken the position of hypnotherapy as a technique only. (Waxman, 1989). Many also believed that only doctors, psychologists, and dentists should practice hypnosis in any form (Erickson & Rossi, 1980).

The application of hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, is a process or technique used to alter a client’s behavior. This change is achieved by first getting information from the customer and then developing a way to get it back to the customer in a way that the customer understands and responds to (Liz Hogan, 2000).

Clinical hypnosis is the official method of treatment.

In the wake of globalization, the field of hypnosis has experienced a significant increase in attention and interest from people. The numerous benefits that can be obtained from hypnosis therapy are gradually becoming known. Hypnosis no longer bears the opposing trademark ascribed to it as some black magic or occult science. It is being used to treat different medical and psychological conditions. Positive messages are conveyed to the patient’s subconscious during clinical hypnosis.

Hypnotist near me

Hypnotist near me is the most popular search on Google today. When you are looking for a hypnotist near me to treat medical conditions (depression, anxiety, insomnia, fears, etc.), you would like to find the best hypnotist and also the best hypnotherapy facility near me. Don’t forget that a good hypnotherapist is a medical doctor who understands the mechanisms of medical conditions and knows how to apply hypnotic treatment.

A hypnotherapist near me

A hypnotherapist is near me. Is that what you are looking for? Then you are in the right place. The Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic is not just a hypnosis office but a holistic medical center directed by a medical doctor, a specialist in integrative medicine.

History of hypnosis treatment

The treatment using hypnosis has been around for a long time. The term is derived from the Greek word Hypno. Singing caused consciousness to elevate to an exalted state. Bells, drums, and chants were the order of the day. It would give people the power to suggest things like courage in the face of the hunt or drive away demons that create madness.

In the 18th century, a psychologist named Dr. Franz Anton 

Franz Anton Mesmer - first officially recognized hypnotherapist

Mesmer developed a system called “animal magnetism.”

This process involved waving a series of magnets around the grieving person to induce healing and calm. The medical society has never approved his research, and most modern-day hypnosis experts believe that he induced a trance by waving his hands around his subjects. To honor this pioneer, the name Mesmerize is attributed to him.

In the 19th century, James Esdaile operated on patients without anesthesia. He put his patients in a hypnotic trance. More than 1,000 patients have been operated on in this way. It was the first time that there was hypnosis.

James Esdaile - the first in the world hypnotist who performed a surgery on patient with hypnotic sedation

It gained popularity when Sigmund Freud aroused maximum interest in the study and began exploring the subject. As research progressed, the field shifted from medicine to psychology.

Sigmund Freud - most famous psychoanalytic and hypnotist

In 1901, Dr. Milton H. Erickson became the founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis. He visualized the unconscious as an independent unit and created the “neurolinguistic programming method.” The methods developed throughout the history of hypnosis include mind control and various other suggestions.

Milton H. Erickson - the father of the modern hypnosis treatment

The history of hypnosis is as old as society itself. Today, the ideas behind self-hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and suggestion are tested. Positive medical research supports the techniques. It is not a voodoo practice or brainwashing but a legitimate medical and psychological technique with many uses and benefits.

Hypnosis: What is this all about?

Clinical hypnosis is a practical way of communicating with a person’s subconscious mind to establish behavioral changes and patterns. These changes and patterns are identified to improve an individual’s appearance, lifestyle, and health. Importantly, qualified and licensed medical professionals with sufficient knowledge and understanding of human body functions typically perform clinical hypnosis. These professionals are skilled and perceptive at identifying the most appropriate ways to approach significant changes in our behavioral patterns. Each person will require a different approach to address a particular problem to ensure a successful treatment. That is why hypnotherapists near me and hypnosis in Philadelphia should be your primary search for the best place and expert to treat your issues.

Clinical hypnosis is becoming more popular since no alternative treatment exists or is equivalent to it when treating behavioral challenges. Millions of people around the globe have greatly benefited from this treatment system. Even though numerous surgical procedures and drugs are available on the market today, clinical hypnosis has evolved to be a workable and famous alternative to these options, as it has been proven to have no track record of side effects. It is an effective way to quit addictions such as smoking and alcoholism. It has also been tested and proven to be an efficient way of addressing depression, weight loss, and building and developing a person’s self-esteem and confidence.  The medical society widely uses clinical hypnosis to assist patients in suppressing pain arising from terrible medical situations such as cancer. And today, many more people consider hypnosis a possible solution to all their problems.

In contrast to incorrectly held views, hypnosis has no link to or affiliation with magic. A successful clinical hypnosis session requires the full cooperation of the patient. The character and attitude of the patient, in addition to their belief and trust in the therapist, are significant determinants of the success rate of treatment using hypnosis. It should be noted that the treatment timeframe utilizing this method may vary depending on the individual. For example, while it may take only a session or two for a person to respond to treatment, it may take several sessions for another person. Consequently, patience is crucial to successful results using this treatment method.

Clinical hypnosis is never brainwashing! It engages an individual’s body and mind to take charge and control certain situations to transform them into something positive. The system is safe and seamless, such that it can be self-administered by consulting some helpful books that clearly understand your mind and body better.

CDs and DVDs can also walk you through the process to ensure you are doing it right and will get the expected result.

Clinical hypnosis is very different from self-hypnosis because the services of an expert and an experienced hypnotist are required. It is advantageous because a professional hypnotist can give valuable advice after critically assessing your physical condition. Therefore, you must choose an experienced hypnotist to perform hypnotherapy. Subjecting yourself to treatment by an inexperienced and unprofessional therapist may result in extreme reactions. An online directory search will link you with several clinical psychologists who can assist you professionally. We highly recommend using Google search for “hypnotist near me,” “hypnosis near me,” or “hypnotist in Philadelphia.”

Clinical hypnosis

Notably, the timeframe in which one would experience significant results from clinical hypnosis differs for each person. Still, asserting that no one should expect an immediate and perfect result after just a session is safe. You would need to be patient to perform and repeat the procedure as often as required in the exact manner instructed. The success of the treatment is jeopardized if you break the pattern in any way, and you would have to begin all over again. Be reminded that your mind and body will undergo a series of changes as you undergo clinical hypnosis, especially if you are trying to overcome a bad habit or rise above depression. These cases need extra work, dedication, and commitment because they take longer to overcome than other issues.

The result is that your hard work and perseverance will not end in uselessness. Clinical hypnosis can bring unprecedented improvement to your life in countless ways. For instance, if you are struggling with depression, rising above it and gaining a more positive posture in life may be the best thing that you will experience. This will enhance your life and social interaction in different ways, allowing you to enjoy a healthier and happier life. Please discuss this with a professional before you carry it out at home. This ensures you have all the necessary knowledge and information and can fully explore the method.

In conclusion, clinical hypnosis has become a widely known treatment method globally, with increasing participation from people. It can help you in every area of your life when carried out as specified and instructed by the experts, and you can enjoy a long, happy, and healthy life without medications, which always come with side effects.  It would help if you learned about hypnosis before you began any experimentation and possibly attended different professional sessions to experience and feel the actual effects of an expert before you try it on your own.

The difference between Hypnosis and hypnotherapy

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have a long history as reputable methods used by trained and qualified hypnotists and hypnotherapists in the therapeutic process. One of the main differences between hypnosis and hypnotherapy is that hypnosis is a state of mind, while hypnotherapy is the therapeutic modality in which hypnosis is used.

Myth about hypnosis

A trained hypnotist uses hypnosis to help people with problems such as smoking cessation and weight management but is not licensed to perform hypnotherapy. A trained, certified, or licensed professional called a hypnotherapist administers hypnosis. Only a hypnotherapist can use hypnotherapy to treat mental health problems such as phobias, stage fright, eating disorders, and certain medical conditions. And only a medical doctor or psychologist may become a hypnotherapist.

To fully understand the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy, remember that hypnosis is a tool, and hypnotherapy is the use of a tool.

Hypnosis, however, can be defined as the act of putting someone into a state of trance. Different experts define the state of trance differently, but almost always refer to:

  • A state of deep relaxation.
  • Focusing on a hypnotherapist’s speech and concentration.
  • Increased susceptibility.

If that sounds mundane, it’s because it is. Most of us go into and out of trance regularly. If you’ve ever zoned your daily commute, daydreaming while listening to music or immersed in a book or movie world, you’ve been in a trance.

Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy

The difference between hypnosis and everyday trance is that in hypnosis, a professional induces the trance state to achieve a positive result.

On the other hand, the hypnotherapist will use the state of hypnosis, a naturally altered state of consciousness, to induce and produce positive changes in the unconscious that can affect psychological, behavioral, emotional, and physical processes. There are many ways to connect directly to the subconscious. Experienced hypnotherapists can use a combination of built-in suggestions (where the suggestions are hidden from the conscious mind), direct suggestions, stories, and metaphors to help the subconscious find a solution to a specific problem. Indeed, the concept of the unconscious as a creative and solution-generating unit is vital. It enables the hypnotherapist to help the client use his or her internal resources to bring about change.

Hypnosis Therapy

Hypnosis Therapy is a straightforward psychological phenomenon that is easy to explain. Yet, it is often wrongly described as black magic or false mysticism. This lack of equitable representation leaves many to reject “hypnotic wisdom” as mere fantasy or hogwash, and those who have been hypnotized are generally perceived as weak or gullible.

Victor Tsan about Clinical Hypnosis on Business Talk Radio

Clinical hypnotherapy is not linked to a particular state of consciousness. People often confuse clinical hypnotherapy with a state of consciousness because they associate its techniques with a state of half-sleep and half-awake.

What is hypnotherapy

We imagine patients lying on leather sofas with their eyes closed and their consciousness turned towards the inside of their “subconscious.” The fact is that clinical hypnotherapy can be used to increase awareness just as effectively as to contract consciousness.

Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Stage Hypnosis vs. Hypnosis Therapy

Stage Hypnosis has undoubtedly found its place in the world of entertainment. For the most part, this does nothing to deny or downplay the success or reputation of Clinical Hypnotherapy.

The two procedures are very different. Stage Hypnosis is very dramatic and aims to make an impact. Grandiosity and exaggerated gestures are used for maximum effect, and the whole process is conducted in a powerful and imposing way. This is necessary because the stage hypnotist should present a show to a broad audience.

Stage Hypnosis vs Hypnotherapy

Stage hypnotists often make their participants do odd things on stage, even for impact reasons. For example, they can go from barking like a dog to thinking it’s Elvis Presley. In contrast, hypnotherapy uses a very different and very subtle approach to reaching a state of clinical hypnotherapy, and hypnotherapy is used for a very different purpose.

It is not surprising that there is some conflict between theater Hypnotists and hypnotherapists, but it is like anything; if an expert in a field uses his talent ethically and professionally, he does not. There is no reason to fall asleep or get alarmed. I think stage Hypnosis has its place, but it has to be done responsibly. However, it should be noted that the popularity of stage Hypnosis is now at its lowest level.

Hypnosis treatment

Hypnosis treatment is a general term, and it includes various techniques performed by clinical hypnotherapists and trained psychologists. The benefits of hypnosis are endless. Hypnosis treatment can be defined as a state of concentration so focused that you are no longer aware of those around you. You enter a state of relaxation so deep that your mind is open to suggestions from a hypnotherapist. You cannot be hypnotized against your will and you will not act insane. However, when appropriately used, hypnosis treatment has become very effective in relieving the symptoms of many chronic diseases. Hypnosis treatment has established itself to support certain medical and mental illnesses.

Hypnosis Treatment

It won’t cure the disease, but it can relieve the symptoms associated with it. Hypnosis treatment is widely used to treat obesity, pain during childbirth or surgery, drug addiction, and phobic disorders. You can try hypnosis treatment if other treatments have failed for your medical or mental illness.

Self-hypnosis, on the other hand, is a deep state of meditation. Finding a quiet place where you will not be disturbed would be best. Lie down quietly and relax your whole body, starting with one part at a time. For example, you start with your toes and want them to rest. Raise your body into your mind, and each part will relax. Take a deep, cleansing breath to relieve stress from your body.

Once completely relaxed, you will make suggestions to yourself to help you achieve your desired goal. When satisfied with your self-hypnosis session, slowly count from 1 to 10. Then, open your eyes and slowly get up from your position. First, move slowly, as meditation and hypnosis can lower your blood pressure and make you dizzy.

Who practices these techniques? Who is the best hypnotherapist near me?

Anyone can go through hypnosis without the help of a second person. It is a simple technique used with daily activities such as watching movies or reading books, which works better with practice. However, a person who practices hypnosis with others is known as a hypnotist.

Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic

However, with hypnotherapy, you will need the help of a hypnotherapist who is trained to help others with the technique. In addition to hypnotherapy, a hypnotherapist usually has certifications and qualifications in other professional training such as humanities, counseling, and therapy. These qualifications enable a hypnotherapist to conduct detailed inquiries and consultations before therapy sessions to tailor a patient’s most appropriate care procedures. Most of these hypnotherapists work with doctors to get referrals for patients needing such care.

Hypnosis Treatment by Dr. Tsan

It should be noted here that hypnosis should not be confused with the type of hypnosis used in entertainment, also known as stage hypnosis. This discussion focuses on therapeutic hypnosis, which helps a person improve in a particular area of ​​their life by clearing their mind and concentrating on activities and a state of mind that can lead to possible solutions to their problems. Problems that are more like meditation.

How does hypnosis treatment work?

Hypnosis is something like a trance-like sleep. It is an altered state of consciousness, much like using truth serum (a class of drugs called hypnotics, which are general anesthetics). Truth serum does not make you tell the truth; it just makes you more suggestive of telling the truth. This is a late stage of what we call stage 1 anesthesia. There are about four stages of anesthesia; however, that is a topic for another discussion.   At this late stage of stage 1 anesthesia, you would not be fully aware of what you are doing, but you could have conversations and act as if you were fully awake. At this stage, your subconscious mind is active, and it becomes easy to make suggestions. You can also call this an altered state of consciousness. Hypnosis is more like the late part of stage 1 anesthesia. During hypnosis, you are more in a trance where you are aware of your surroundings, not just as usual. The more analytical the left side of your brain becomes, the more dormant it is, and the more creative the right side becomes, the more active it becomes. This opens up the subconscious part of your mind and makes you more open to suggestions. There are two phases of hypnosis: the induction phase, where you are put in a state of hypnosis, and the suggestion phase, where words are suggested to your subconscious mind. Neuro-linguistic programming techniques work very well for the suggestion phase. They can suggest things to your subconscious mind to help you overcome a phobia or traumatic event. This is basically what they do in hypnotherapy.

How hypnosis works

There is one puzzling thing about hypnotherapy, and perhaps one of the reasons why, even though there are documents on the effectiveness of hypnosis, it remains elusive to science. That is the fact that hypnosis is not practical for everyone. This means that while it may work for some people, it may not just work for others. This may be due to some factors that contribute to these differences. More hypnotizable people show different brain electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns than people who are not hypnotizable. Research concerning this matter has led to definite conclusions about these differences. The brains of people who are easily hypnotized act somewhat differently from the brains of those who are not easily hypnotized. People who are easily hypnotized show more effects linked to drowsiness and altered states of attention and memory when induced hypnotically. Also, people who can easily switch from the analytical left side of their brain to the creative right side of their brain and vice versa are more hypnotizable than those who are not. Another factor is that it will not likely work if you are vehemently adamant about hypnosis and do not believe it will work for you. This is because your brain will put up a solid mental resistance to suggestions made during hypnosis. This is where neuro-linguistic programming plays a role in enhancing hypnotic suggestions. Also, if you cannot establish a good relationship with your therapist, you may not easily be hypnotized. Another factor, among many others, is the environment. Hypnosis is more like a sleep-like state. It is difficult to sleep in a noisy area. So, a terrible environment will make successful hypnosis unlikely. So, biological, social, psychological, and environmental factors can contribute to the success or failure of hypnosis.

It is the process by which the hypnotherapist helps the client reach a specific state of consciousness called a trance through hypnosis.

We all experience altered states of consciousness, such as sleeping or daydreaming daily. The trance state differs in that it has unique properties. In a normal state, people are limited in their ability to respond to suggestions. They may struggle to control their thoughts, feelings, and behavior. In particular, it is difficult for them to maintain their subconscious – the part of the mind that controls automatic activities such as emotions and habits.

How Hypnosis works

For example, when you get dressed today, you don’t have to think about how to dress. You performed the task on autopilot with your subconscious. Sometimes, this autopilot is very useful, for example, when driving safely. Sometimes, it doesn’t help if you experience thoughts, feelings, or behaviors you don’t like but can’t stop.

In a trance, a client’s subconscious is open to the influence of the hypnotherapist and can thus be reprogrammed at will. This, of course, makes troubleshooting quick and easy.

The hypnosis technique brings about a positive change in the person concerned and helps the patient unlearn all their negative behaviors and learn the positive ones quickly. Although slow and sometimes painful, this technique penetrates deep into a person’s subconscious mind and changes it positively.

The consciousness can sometimes get stuck in its rut when fully awake and functioning. Brain function is “slowed down” during a hypnosis session to change incorrect behavior. This process works wonderfully for many people and is safe and effective while entirely non-invasive.

Treatment with hypnosis helps us learn or unlearn several conditioning patterns faster than other techniques and reinforces these patterns so that they become “automatic” events in our lives.

Popularity of hypnotherapy

More and more people choose this alternative healing method for physical and mental complaints. An incredible number of patients have found this unique technique instrumental in losing weight, adjusting appropriate metabolic disorders, and overcoming fads and various addictions.

Treatment with hypnosis results in a tremendous metamorphosis in the person by targeting their negativity and allowing them to think and act positively to achieve their life goals. This process, which would usually have taken years, is completed when a few sit down with the hypnotherapist.

The stages of hypnotherapy

Stages of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is not a random process; it has its own methodology. There are several steps outlined below.

  • Identify the disease/problem.
  • Following relaxation, the hypnotherapist engages the patient by using various images or suggestions.
  • Another relationship: getting rid of all negative thoughts
  • Consciousness: The patient returns to a state of consciousness
  • Reflection: Once the patient has returned to their normal state of consciousness, they are asked to reflect on what they gained or experienced in their trance state

How long does the result of hypnosis treatment last?         

The answer to this question could be compared with the question. Since every individual is different, it takes time until the desired successes are solved and achieved. However, some fears and phobias were healed within minutes, and in some cases, it took weeks for other people to get the same results. When you become clear about what your outcome and goal should be, you speed up the speed of your results.

Hypnosis changed my life forever

However, you should see clinical hypnotherapists you are comfortable with and discuss your situation with them. Provided they are experienced and knowledgeable, they should be able to indicate how long (roughly) it will be for you.

When is hypnotherapy helpful?

Indications for Hypnotherapy

The types of problem-solving hypnotherapy that can be used include:

Physical problems

Hypnotherapy can help relieve chronic pain and muscle tension. It effectively relaxes the body and changes how the brain perceives pain to reduce intensity.

Emotional problems

These can include anxiety and fear, for example. Phobias, panic attacks, nerves of inquiry, etc., grief, anger, feelings of guilt, shyness, feelings of shame, low self-esteem, and much more.

Behavior problems

These include smoking, overeating, excessive drinking, and other addictive behaviors. It is also possible to relieve insomnia and sleep disorders.

Hypnotherapy can be a helpful addition to other types of medical care. However, you should carefully check that your hypnotherapist is medically qualified and only seek advice from qualified professionals.

Almost anyone with normal brain function and no severe mental illness can be safely hypnotized. However, your chances of being hypnotized will vary depending on the hypnotherapist you are working with. An experienced professional hypnotherapist who will make you feel safe and supported will likely succeed.

Benefits of hypnosis

Benefits of hypnosis therapy

  • Hypnosis treatment helps people go through grieving after losing a loved one. People diagnosed with an incurable disease often live longer when they use hypnosis healing to help overcome the emotional issues that come with it. Hypnosis can help patients cope with severe pain even better than many drugs. Suggestions in a trance often help the subconscious overcome common conscious and unconscious barriers. Working at the subconscious level frequently reveals the most profound emotions that can trigger progress.
  • Treatment with hypnosis will help you identify these deep emotions. Once you identify the source of your problems, you can work on overcoming them. When something is too deep, it is often challenging to locate. Reaching for the roots means digging below the conscious surface. If traditional therapy is not enough, your therapist may offer the option of hypnotic healing. Many therapists incorporate hypnosis and healing into their regular arsenal of tools. You can find hypnotherapy outside of the psychotherapist’s couch as well. You need to find someone who is trained in various holistic healing methods.

Other benefits of hypnosis are:

  • Reduces pain
  • It can control or cure psychosomatic illnesses
  • It can help control physical functions such as heart rate, excessive sweating, and bleeding
  • It can also improve memory, confidence, learning, and concentration.
  • It can eliminate phobias and negative feelings.
  • It can eliminate unhealthy habits like eating disorders, weight loss, smoking cessation, and superficial personality traits.

Also, hypnosis therapy is used for many other diseases and complaints during childbirth, in the treatment of burns, in dentistry, and in treating temporomandibular joints. In many cases, it is also inexpensive to treat various other symptoms and conditions. Hypnosis also treats thousands of insomnia cases a year. For example, did you know that even Tiger Woods uses hypnosis to purify his mind before golf tournaments?

Hypnosis therapy can offer you a way to live a stress-free life. Hypnosis is so beneficial to the subconscious that it can treat hundreds of mental and physical illnesses caused by stress, anxiety, and depression.

Who benefits most from hypnosis therapy treatment?

Indication for Hypnotherapy

About 25% of the world’s population is difficult to hypnotize. The rest of the population shows that they can be hypnotized to some extent. The biggest clue is a person’s imagination and willingness to undergo hypnosis. It is essential to seek hypnotic treatment from a professional. While many have succeeded with self-hypnosis techniques, you don’t want to do more harm than good. This is where the professional makes a difference. They can walk you through the process and make adjustments as sessions reveal problems. Recorded hypnosis sessions have a set path, and you cannot make adjustments along the way.

Clinical hypnotherapy treatment consists of “pretending.”

During the clinical hypnotherapy stage, participants are well aware that they are not really chickens or are not actually in the movies. They know they act (it turns out that hypnosis can turn people into good actors).

But clinical hypnotherapy cannot be considered “pretend play,” like being hypnotized. It depends on the nature of the suggestions given. If an idea is to “chuckle like a chicken,” the patient will act. If the opinion is to “think of a moment in your past where you felt confident,” it’s not a sham—the patient thinks about it and associates himself with that moment when he was confident.

I agree with hypnotists, who believe that all clinical hypnotherapy is self-hypnotherapy. This means a hypnotist cannot usually invite someone to do something against his will. There is always conformity on both sides of the interaction. The only difference is that hypnotists can evoke unusual behaviors if they discover a suitable mode of communication.

Scientific studies claim that only 5% of the population is susceptible to Hypnosis therapy.

It is partly true: scientific studies often claim that only 25 to 50% of the population is vulnerable to hypnotherapy. However, these studies are flawed because researchers only test participants with standard hypnotic inductions and generic hypnotherapy scripts. Hypnosis, however, does not work uniformly (because its effectiveness comes from using our unique associations and our understanding of language).

A proper hypnotist can read his patient, move away from generic scripts, and discover the most suggestible language for that particular patient. In reality, almost 100% of patients are suspects of clinical hypnosis.


Hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy that utilizes hypnosis. As a complementary therapy, hypnotherapy uses the positive suggestion of power to change the subconscious into feelings, behaviors, and thoughts.

Hypnotherapy in Philadelphia. Find a Hypnotist near me

Hypnotherapy aims to change the state of consciousness in a particular way to relax the conscious part of the mind while simultaneously stimulating and focusing on the other subconscious part; hypnotherapy helps treat the habit of breaking stress-associated issues. Research shows that the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic is the best place to get hypnotherapy treatment. This has been recognized as the best place for patients searching for hypnotherapy. They can visit the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic since it is the best clinic with qualified specialists in hypnotherapy. This clinic deals with different types of hypnotherapy, including suggestions for traditional hypnotherapy. This type of hypnotherapy engages the therapist in conveying several suggestions within the subconscious mind to influence behaviors, feelings, and thoughts positively. Generally, suggestion or traditional hypnotherapy is employed when there is no major cause to address or to foster short-term change with a small number of sessions. Other types of hypnotherapy discussed at the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic include hypno-psychotherapy, analytical hypnotherapy, clinical hypnotherapy, and behavioral hypnotherapy.  Hypno-psychotherapy is an interactive approach that uses a technique that assists in the more profound problems that cannot be addressed through hypnotherapy alone.  This allows the therapist to utilize their skills and training in psychotherapy to offer an empathetic and supportive therapeutic relationship.

Moreover, analytical hypnotherapy utilizes the techniques and concepts of psychotherapy to address and understand the deeper concerns of the patient. This assists in determining the cause of the problem remotely. In clinical hypnotherapy, the individual receives hypnotherapy from specialized hypnotherapists with a healthcare background.  On the other side, behavioral hypnotherapy is the best modern scientific method in therapy that combines both hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to offer a positive influence on cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and symptomatic change.  This type of hypnotherapy draws influence from various theories such as neuroscience, psychology, NLP, and evolutionary psychology. These theories are combined with the personal objectives of the hypnotherapist to offer a solution.

Different clinics in the USA treat using NLP, but the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic has been rated as the best clinic offering NLP in the USA.  Statistics reveal that the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic has the most specialists in NLP and receives clients from the USA and other continents. These professionals in the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic have been influential in imparting essential communication skills employed by many influential people, like public speakers and politicians in the USA.

Hypnosis therapy is similar to meditation.

It is a common misconception. Once again, hypnosis therapy is a set of communication techniques, while meditation is a more specific practice, more related to each person’s state of consciousness.

Take advantage of hypnosis therapy only from a licensed and skilled hypnotist or hypnotherapist for the best results and safest treatment.

Most hypnotists and hypnotherapists would tell you to always check the license and certification of the provider you are planning to choose. But it would not be correct to say that you must do it since many states, including Pennsylvania, do not have license requirements for hypnosis. I am entirely self-taught. However, I’m a medical doctor, which I believe is essential. 

“Yes, but does hypnosis therapy work?”

Stay with me. I will give you the answer you want. A brief overview of the online antecedents of clinical hypnotherapy will answer your question with surgical precision. Then, I will answer the question you should ask yourself: WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF HYPNOSIS THERAPY? Will it work for me?

Theories about clinical hypnosis abound. None is a fact. All are inconclusive. Some surprising and revealing truths answer the question, “Does clinical hypnosis work? And “How does clinical hypnosis therapy work?”

“Hypnotists have special powers!”

Don’t be afraid! While they can undoubtedly produce powerful results, they’re not as supernatural as all those old Hollywood movies would have us believe!

Hypnotists do not have special powers. They know how to help you immerse yourself in a deep state of relaxation and then convey the exact message to your inner mind, which puts thought into action—literally!

In reality, all clinical hypnotherapy is “auto-hypnotherapy.” You are the one doing the work and transforming your thought patterns. The hypnotist (or recording of clinical hypnosis) supports the process for you.

Can I be hypnotized?

It is probably the most frequently asked question by a practicing hypnotist. There is also some controversy about your ability to reach different levels of hypnotic trance. Although I will not discuss this topic for the moment, I want you to know that some recent studies indicate that taking advantage of your Hypnotherapy session has nothing to do with the level of trance you can live in.

Can I be hypnotized

You have probably read or heard that hypnosis is a natural condition, and it is. It is a state of trance that we know almost everything about. I could certainly say that it concerns you because if you could not enter the condition of the trance we are discussing, you would not be able to read that post either. I will change my last statement to all who read this post. Yes, and that means you. You can enter a hypnotic trance every day of your life. There are many misconceptions and myths surrounding hypnosis therapy. What is it? How does it affect us, and what can and cannot be accomplished using it? Some groups would like this confusion to continue. This way, you will not look for answers to your problems with tools other than what they sell or provide. It’s good for them, but not so good for you.

Not everyone can be hypnotized.

Do you know how some people have told you that not everyone can hypnotize? Well, it’s wrong. But not everyone will indeed have the advantage of being hypnotized easily. It takes about 20 seconds for some patients to go to a hypnotic trance; for others, it may take 10 minutes. Still, as per Dr. Tsan, all people are hypnotizable, and the success rate of hypnosis therapy depends only on the qualification of a hypnotist.

Hypnosis vs. Hypnotherapy. 

Hypnosis refers to the state of induction of consciousness where an individual becomes highly responsive to suggestions while losing voluntary action power.  According to the American Psychology Associationhypnosis is a cooperative interaction where the participant reacts to the suggestion from the hypnotist.  Additionally, as statistics revealed, Philadelphia is the best place with specialists who offer hypnosis.  The general characteristics of hypnosis involve the trance state attributed to extreme relaxation, suggestibility, and imagination. This is not natural sleep, but it may be compared with daydreaming.  During hypnosis, the individual experiences finely tuned-concentration and focus. The individual may concentrate more on a particular memory or thought while keeping away any source of interaction. According to researchers from Philadelphia, a hypnotized person will appear to pay attention to the communications of hypnotists responding to the naive automatic fashion while abandoning all the environmental aspects except those pointed to him or her by the hypnotist.  The individual smells, feels, sees, and perceives based on the hypnotist’s suggestions, even though the primary suggestions may contradict the impinging stimuli.  Many scientists reveal that hypnotic suggestions make use of the placebo effect. Although the impact of hypnosis varies from one person to the next, most hypnotized people reveal a feeling of extreme relaxation or a sense of remoteness during the actual state of hypnosis.  Other individuals reveal the feeling of their actions occurring outside of conscious decisions. According to experts from Philadelphia, some people are capable of engaging in any conversation while under hypnosis. Scientists urge that hypnosis can be used in treating some chronic pain like rheumatoid arthritis, pain reduction during child delivery, reducing dementia symptoms, and controlling pain during the dental process. Moreover, hypnosis can reduce vomiting and nausea for patients suffering from cancer when undergoing chemotherapy. It also reduces and eliminates some skin conditions involving psoriasis and warts.

Hypnosis therapy

I never realized that Hypnosis Therapy could have such a significant effect on some people. It shows results.

The truth about Hypnosis and the hypnotic state is that you own it, no one else does. Nobody can sell you your hypnotic state. They cannot sell you something you already have. Your hypnotist can show you how to use your hypnotic state to your advantage. You already know how to misuse the hypnotic state, so they will probably show you how to use it correctly. This education and training are only part of what a hypnotist will do when working with you to improve your life.

Clinical hypnosis, aka hypnosis therapy

Many psychiatrists and psychologists point out that many people today are the result of what they were in their previous lives. It is a fact that people develop most of their habits when they are young and tend to practice them all their lives. Some of these habits are unhealthy and do not define the principles of a healthy life.

One of the most excellent uses of clinical hypnotherapy is in treating different diseases in people. It is widely used to release anxiety, stress, and even depression. With clinical hypnotherapy, therapists use automatic suggestions with the patient by manipulating information in the brain.

Hypnotist near me

In many cases, clinical hypnosis therapy has also gotten rid of mental pressure. Expert medical hypnotherapists can easily and quickly hypnotize a person. And surprisingly, it does not require any drugs. Medical hypnosis is considered a significant asset in treating various psychological disorders if managed with care and attention.

In hypnosis, the hypnotherapist must pay close attention to the patient’s immediate responses. The therapist uses automatic suggestions to make the necessary changes in the patient’s subconscious mind. The therapy is used to lose weight, stop smoking, throw away stress, and manage other disorders. Therefore, the therapist should be vigilant enough to ensure the technique is not exploited adversely.


Hypnosis treatment is safe and has no nasty side effects that can occur with drugs or other therapies. While hypnosis doesn’t work for everyone, you may find it works for you. Imagine how great it would be to relieve the symptoms that have plagued you for years without using expensive drugs or other treatments.

Before trying any hypnosis treatment, you need to do your research. The more you know about this treatment, the more successful you will be. People unfamiliar with hypnosis are sometimes anxious and less receptive to suggestions. Read everything about hypnosis therapy and how it works. Be familiar with meditation.

Like every other treatment, getting better takes a bit of practice. Once you can completely relax and meditate, try a hypnosis treatment. You may find that your symptoms or other problems go away as quickly as if you speak a few words. Only medical doctors can use clinical hypnosis for treatment. We also use the term hypnotherapy when talking about hypnosis for treatment.

Hypnotherapy is a safe, effective, and often quick way to improve your life by solving physical, emotional, and behavioral problems. It can offer significant benefits in the hands of a competent and ethical hypnotherapist and the necessary professional medical care. There are hypnotherapists in Philadelphia that you can consult to understand how it works better.

A hypnotherapist near me performed hypnosis therapy in Philadelphia.

Hypnotherapist near me is one of the most common search criteria on Google. Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic, directed by internationally recognized clinical hypnotist and medical doctor Victor Tsan, is Philadelphia’s #1 hypnotic clinic. Along with hypnotherapy, you may receive treatment using acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicines, Reiki, Yoga, etc.

Hypnotherapist near me

Contact our clinic to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tsan to evaluate you and discuss the best treatment approach for you.

 Hypnotherapist near me

When you are looking for a hypnotherapist near me to treat medical conditions (depression, anxiety, insomnia, fears, etc.), you would like to find not only a good hypnotist but the best hypnotist in your area. Don’t forget that a good hypnotherapist is a medical doctor who understands the mechanisms of medical conditions and knows how to apply hypnotic treatment.

Dr. Tsan hypnotizing audience of 1200 people.

At the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic, internationally recognized hypnotherapist Medical Doctor Victor Tsan treats patients with various medical conditions. As a physician, he also combines clinical hypnosis therapy with homeopathic medicines and acupuncture, thus significantly increasing the treatment success rate.

Contact our clinic at 267-403-3085 or use our online scheduling system.

Clinical Hypnosis aka Hypnotherapy
Service Type
Clinical Hypnosis aka Hypnotherapy
Provider Name
Victor Tsan, MD,
2200 Michener Street,Pennsylvania-19115,
Telephone No.215-621-8434
Philadelphia, PA
At the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic, internationally recognized hypnotherapist, Medical Doctor Victor Tsan treating patients with various medical conditions. As a physician, he also combines Clinical Hypnosis with homeopathic medicines and acupuncture, and thus significantly increasing the success rate of treatment.