Hypnosis Treatment For Anxiety

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1 Treatment for Anxiety

Treatment for Anxiety

Treatment for anxiety in Western medicine is challenging. Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about what will happen. It could be the first day in school; most people can feel anxious and nervous when they go to an interview or give a speech. Treatment for anxiety is highly demanded due to the popularity of this condition.

It is essential to start treating anxiety before it becomes chronic and severe depression. Traditional treatment of anxiety is limited to using tranquilization therapy, anti-depressants, and therapy.

But if your anxiety is extreme, lasts more than six months, and affects your life, you may have an anxiety disorder. This fear can cause you to stop doing the things you love. In extreme cases, this can prevent you from entering an elevator, crossing the street, or leaving your home. If left untreated, the anxiety will get worse.

Hypnosis for Anxiety

Anxiety is a natural human behavioral feature and an inherent part of our species. The word “anxiety” is derived from the word “anxious,” which comes from the meaning of being tormented. Anxiety is then known to be a type of self-torment considered a defensive response to a situation. Treatment for anxiety should be complex and comprehensive and cover different aspects of the illness.

Treatment for anxiety disorders and anxiety attacks

Anxiety is so common that almost everyone experiences it in some form every single day. Though anxiety is not a problem, it is only when it begins to creep into places with no objective justification that it becomes a problem and is termed a ‘disorder.’

There are different treatments for anxiety, but any treatment of anxiety has to achieve two things: prevent anxiety attacks from occurring again and cure the underlying general anxiety. If the general anxiety isn’t fixed, you will likely continue to suffer more attacks. If you can’t cure the anxiety attacks, dealing with the underlying anxiety is challenging.

Having suffered an anxiety attack, someone with general anxiety is naturally terrified of having another one. And, because their daily anxiety levels are higher than usual, this fear of having more anxiety attacks can cause them to happen. Just the ‘fear’ of another attack becomes the “fuel” for an attack. So it’s vital to cut that fuel supply, i.e., eliminate the fear factor. Listed below are popular treatments for anxiety and anxiety attacks.

Medication for the treatment of anxiety disorders

This is one of the first treatments for anxiety. The most prescribed seem to be minor tranquilizers, anti-depressants, and beta-blockers. Minor tranquilizers help to relax you and calm you down. Many are pretty quick-acting and are particularly useful during an anxiety attack.

Anti-depressants work to lift your mood by increasing serotonin levels in the brain. These tend to work over the longer term. Beta-blockers are generally used to eliminate the physical symptoms of anxiety, like shaking and tremors. They all have varying adverse side effects. These include fatigue, agitation, diarrhea, nausea, short-term memory loss, disorientation, and dependency problems. Note: Your doctor will explain the side effects of each particular drug to you. If you’re already on medications for anxiety, do not stop them without first talking to your doctor.

Counseling is a popular treatment for anxiety disorder

A standard way to deal with anxiety is through counseling. This can include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, or a combination of treatments.

This type of psychotherapy aims to identify and change harmful thought patterns that form the basis of anxious and embarrassing feelings. In doing so, CBT practitioners hope to limit distorted thinking and change how people react to objects or situations that cause fear.

Exposure to fears and triggers can be part of CBT. This encourages people to face their fears and helps reduce sensitivity to their usual fear triggers. For example, a psychotherapist offering CBT for panic disorder will attempt to reinforce that panic attacks are not actual heart attacks.

What is an anxiety disorder, and what is an anxiety attack?

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of emotional disorder and can affect anyone at any age. Women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, according to the American Psychiatric Association.

There are many effective treatments for anxiety that you can use to prevent the disease from affecting your ability to socialize, study, work, and participate in life activities. Treatment for anxiety depends on the cause of the disease and your personal preferences.

Treatment for anxiety depends on the type of anxiety disorder and individual preferences. Often, treating anxiety combines different kinds of therapy and medication.

Alcohol addiction, depression, and other conditions can sometimes be so linked to anxiety in some people that treatment for anxiety disorder has to wait until a person copes with the requirements.

Recognizing the symptoms of developing anxiety and taking steps to treat the condition without medical help should be the first step. However, other treatments are available if this doesn’t reduce the effects of anxiety symptoms or if their onset is particularly sudden or severe.

There are a range of different types of anxiety disorders that may be treated differently. The most common forms of generalized anxiety disorder are:

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Social Phobia
  • Panic Attacks
  • Agoraphobia
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Specific Phobias

Symptoms of anxiety

The most common symptoms of anxiety are:

  • Increased pulse
  • Rapid breathing
  • Agitation
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty falling asleep

Your anxiety symptoms can be completely different from those of others. That is why it is essential to know how anxiety can manifest itself.

Symptoms of an anxiety disorder

The symptoms of anxiety disorders may vary greatly depending on the type of anxiety. Some common symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Restlessness
  • Worry and fear
  • Anxiety feelings when riding or driving in a car
  • Pain or tightness in the chest
  • Sweating
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Strange muscle aches and pains
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Frequent yawning

More symptoms

Other symptoms of an anxiety attack include:

  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
  • Being easily fatigued
  • Feeling on edge

What are the causes of anxiety attacks?

Researchers are unsure of the exact cause of anxiety. However, a combination of factors likely plays a role. These include genetic and environmental factors, as well as brain chemistry.

Also, researchers believe brain areas responsible for controlling anxiety may be affected.

causes of nervousness

Causes of anxiety attacks are rarely ever set in stone and can be due to a range of different things, such as:

Genetic Predisposition

Genetic predisposition is one of the causes of anxiety attacks because some types of anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), have been found to run in families and are thought to be perhaps inherited through a gene that makes people more prone to becoming anxious.


High levels of stress or seemingly endless stressful situations have been proven to be a cause of anxiety. Disorders such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are specifically found to have been caused by stressful and traumatizing events.

Sudden life changes

The deaths of loved ones and other sudden, shocking changes in everyday life can play a significant role in developing an anxiety disorder.

A range of internal and external factors may also be involved in developing each specific generalized anxiety disorder case. Talking about what may cause your anxiety attack is essential with someone who will listen and understand where you are coming from. This can help you resolve your feelings and better understand why you are going through a tough time.

Natural treatment for anxiety disorder

There are natural treatments for anxiety, and medications are not always necessary. This article emphasizes natural treatments for anxiety rather than medication. You can try this natural treatment for anxiety to treat and eliminate your anxiety disorders.

Natural treatments for anxiety disorder provide an intriguing and desirable choice for the 19 million people who suffer from some form of anxiety disorder. Until recently, these individuals had to rely on medications to help ease their symptoms. Still, the possibilities are much more diverse, offering the ability to overcome symptoms without exposing yourself to serious side effects.

Natural Treatment for nervousness

Note: If you’re open to looking beyond the surface of what drug companies tell you, you’ll find that natural treatment for anxiety disorder provides numerous ways to help you feel better. Natural treatment of anxiety disorder is a combined “mind and body” holistic approach that you can customize to meet your unique needs. You can take the treatment as far or as little as you want. Each step will progressively improve your health.

Not only do natural remedies for anxiety disorder help ease anxious thoughts, but they also go beyond them and improve your overall state of health.

The most commonly prescribed treatment for anxiety disorder is anti-depressants or benzodiazepines, such as Xanax. While these medications can help alleviate symptoms, they also carry serious, often life-threatening, side effects and can be highly addictive, making them less than an ideal choice. Now, natural remedies for anxiety attacks are available that not only ease symptoms but also address the underlying cause to help provide long-term results. Listed below are natural treatments for anxiety and depression.

Aromatherapy is an excellent home-based natural treatment for anxiety.

Aromatherapy for anxiety

Aromatherapy is one of the natural remedies for anxiety. Aromatherapy creates positive thoughts through smell. This method combines certain scents that remind us of these emotions with thoughts of comfort and safety. This can be done in several ways, but inhalation and aroma baths are two popular techniques.

Diet is an essential part of any natural treatment for anxiety.

Diet for anxiety

Even if you don’t believe it, eating is very close to anxiety. The food we eat can affect our mood. Foods like fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, whole grains, and nuts can help prevent anxiety and calm you down. Some foods in your diet can make you more nervous and increase your anxiety, like cola, coffee, chocolate, salt, sugar, dairy products, pork, and most processed foods. Be sure to avoid them. If you smoke, try reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke daily. Coffee and tobacco are known to increase anxiety and the risk of panic attacks.

Techniques of the mind are the most critical component of any natural treatment for anxiety.

The techniques of the mind are also one of the best natural remedies for anxiety that you can try. Ultimately, your mind is the problem; by getting caught up in negative thoughts and letting your mind control your body’s reactions, your anxiety can rise to seemingly dangerous levels. When your fear gets out of hand, it may be impossible to live everyday life, interact with others, and deal with situations that are usually not a problem.

Exercises like yoga and tai chi, meditation, and even self-hypnosis can help reduce anxiety and release the veil of anxiety you are feeling. Try them all out and find out what works best for you. Then, practice it regularly.

Natural treatment for anxiety is the preferred method over various prescription drugs. Medicine may seem like a good idea in the short term, but it can have adverse side effects in the long term.

Herbs, relaxing massages, and techniques for the mind are all ways to combat and win over your fear directly. As you take control of your mind and learn to relax and relieve stress, your anxiety becomes less likely to take over your body.

Yoga for anxiety: an effective natural treatment for anxiety disorder

It’s well-known that yoga has numerous health benefits and is often recommended for physical ailments such as back pain. Still, it’s interesting to delve into the use of the ancient technique to improve mental well-being and provide a healthy outlook on life.

Yoga for anxiety

Recent research in the United States found that three sessions of gentle yoga for anxiety a week can help combat anxiety as it boosts levels of a chemical in the brain that is essential for a relaxed mind. This chemical is necessary for the function of the brain and central nervous system and promotes a state of calm within the body. In 2010, scientists at the Boston University School of Medicine found that the levels of the amino acid GABA are significantly higher in people who carry out yoga for anxiety than those who do the equivalent of a similarly strenuous exercise, for example, walking.

Low levels of GABA are associated with various anxiety disorders, including depression. This would suggest that there is more to how yoga makes us feel happy and relaxed than simply releasing endorphins, as other exercise does.

Yoga for stress relief

Benefits of Yoga for Anxiety

  • Yoga for anxiety is one of the natural remedies for anxiety and depression that has been proven to be effective. Listed below are the benefits of yoga for anxiety:
  • It physically releases stress and tension by stretching and twisting into different postures (called ‘Asanas’ in yoga). It unwinds knots in the back and neck muscles, etc., which may be causing the body to feel tight.
  • Physical exercises release endorphins, natural hormones in the body that create a feeling of well-being.
  • Yoga breathing techniques (known as ‘Pranayamas’) make a person take deeper breaths that fill the bloodstream with more oxygen and control blood pressure. Awareness of your control over breathing is very effective in combating stress.
  • Pranayamas and Asanas, together with the ‘language of the body,’ help us get to know our innermost being and control ourselves through learning to control our body. Practicing yoga will help realize an interconnection between mind, body, and spirit, which in turn helps maintain balance in daily life.
  • Yoga clears the mind. Our minds constantly race from one thought to another and tire themselves out in the process! The concentration in yoga for Asanas and Pranayamas gives the brain a well-deserved break and puts all other worries and thoughts aside.

Herbal remedies for anxiety—the most popular natural treatment for anxiety disorder

It is one of the natural treatments for anxiety, such as passionflower and kava. Its strength is the fight against insomnia. These two herbs have been shown to reduce anxiety, which is the same as taking benzodiazepine medications. Kava and passionflower tea can be a great way to try these herbs in tea form, which is often less of a problem than taking supplements. You may notice an improvement in valerian if you suffer from mild anxiety.

There have been many clinical studies about herbal remedies’ effects on anxiety. If you opt for a natural treatment for anxiety, some herbs have been proven effective through clinical studies, which will be discussed below.

Herbal remedies for stress control

However, not all herbal remedies for anxiety are effective, but many have shown positive results. Some of the herbs that have been identified through trials and studies include some of the following:


  • This is one of the herbal remedies for anxiety that has been medically tested and shown to reduce anxiety in clinical trials.


  • This amino acid is derived from green tea and has a significant anti-anxiety effect. Some say it works as well as prescription anti-anxiety medication without side effects or addictive qualities.


  • Chamomile has long been used to treat stress and help calm nerves. It is also great as a sleep aid and for an upset stomach.

St. Johns Wort

  • This herbal remedy for anxiety is a natural reuptake inhibitor used since ancient times to improve mood and help with nervousness.

Massage is a popular and effective natural treatment for anxiety.


When you have chronic anxiety, your body never relaxes. This can have serious side effects in itself, including headaches, pain in the jaw, difficulty falling asleep, muscle tension, etc. Using massage therapy as a natural treatment for anxiety or using Shiatsu to treat your anxiety can help with all of these problems, relax your muscles, calm your mind, and make you feel more comfortable. With improved sleep and a relaxed state, you may find that your anxiety slowly subsides over time.

Homeopathic remedies for anxiety—the #1 natural treatment for anxiety disorder

Homeopathic remedies for anxiety attacks are 100% natural and organic medicines for anxiety and depression that use mixtures of herbal, mineral, and other natural products to relieve anxiety symptoms.

Homeopathic remedies for anxiety

Homeopathic remedies for anxiety disorders have also proven effective without any side effects. Listed below are homeopathic remedies for anxiety:

Aconite (Aconitum napellus)

  • This homeopathic remedy for anxiety is helpful for a panic attack that appears with a powerful feeling of fear. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, palpitations, and hot or cold face flushing.

Silicea (Silica)

  • They are recommended for those who are serious and capable yet feel shy and nervous. They may experience bouts of loss of confidence temporarily. Anxiety can be overwhelming when facing an interview, public speaking engagement, examination, or new task. Worry may bring headaches, problems concentrating, exhaustion, and feelings of dread.

Argentum nitricum (Arg-n)

  • A significant event can cause anxiety, which this remedy can help with. This could be an interview, public speaking, exam, etc. Symptoms include dizziness, nervousness, diarrhea, cravings for intense flavors, and unusual thoughts or impulses.

Arsenicum album (Arsenicum, Ars)

  • This homeopathic remedy for anxiety is suggested for people who are highly anxious about their health and crave security and orderliness. Panic attacks often occur in the early morning. A person may feel tired yet restless, fidgeting and constantly moving around. The anxiety may cause digestive problems or asthma attacks.

Acupuncture for anxiety: an ancient Chinese natural treatment for anxiety disorder

Acupuncture for nervousness

Acupuncture for anxiety is a natural treatment for anxiety disorders that involves placing needles at specific body points. These body points, or pressure points, can be located at particular parts all over a person’s body. Accessing them allows the blocked energy from the passageways to open up. If these passageways are blocked, other body parts may also be affected, which causes stress. On the other hand, attacks on the body cause muscles to tense up, blood pressure to rise, and other physical symptoms to arise.

Using acupuncture for anxiety is proven to work for many. According to research, acupuncture for anxiety alleviates stress points that relax the body.

The advantage of acupuncture for anxiety is that when it works, it works immediately. It can immediately help the patient feel better, compared to pharmaceutical interventions that take hours or days to relieve anxiety or months of depression. Another advantage of this method is that it never causes side effects. It works immediately and never creates a dependency on patients.

Clinical hypnosis for anxiety disorders is the #1 natural treatment for anxiety.

Hypnosis for anxiety is becoming more and more popular in psychiatric clinics. Among the psychological problems of human beings, anxiety is one of the most severe. Anxiety, a severe mental disorder that can manifest in various stages, can disrupt a person’s daily life. In the case of anxiety disorder, people usually try to avoid particular situations to stop their anxiety from getting sparked. Several career or relationship problems may result, for instance, in the inability to advance personal relations, promotions, job opportunities, missing out, etc.

Anxiety and related medical syndromes are today’s most common psychosomatic illnesses. This medical disorder results in a significant fraction of primary illnesses that patients report to psychoanalysts and family physicians. However, approximately 7–10% of society is projected to suffer from a different form of anxiety. According to statistical research, females suffer from anxiety twice as often as males (Cohen and White, 1950).

Hypnosis for anxiety


As a syndrome, anxiety is a concluding mutual direction for countless medical disorders, somatic and mental. As a very traditional medical condition, anxiety is one of the primary subjects for clinical study to outline, more specifically, the disease’s etiology and its clinical consequences. The most recent changes show that lactate absorption is not stable in most patients, which suggests that biological and genetic factors are likely to be strong.

Hypnosis for anxiety finds its best clinical application in the curing of anxiety. It is not merely because anxiety predominates over other medical conditions, but due to the known ability of this psychotherapeutic technique to relieve anxiety symptoms.

There are usually three types of anxiety:

  • First, anxiety-related disorder can be taken as a disorder from generalized anxiety, in which case health, money, and family are the main issues people get worried about, and they often anticipate tragedy. When common daily problems have been excessively worried about by someone for more than six months, it is time to talk about hypnosis therapy.
  • Another type of anxiety is panic disorder, which is characterized by fright and sudden attacks. It is widespread among anxiety diseases, and an enormous part of the population is affected. Panic attacks are a common symptom of panic disorder, but if someone already has one, they don’t need it to develop into panic disorder.
  • The third is an anxiety disorder related to society due to community-related extreme discomfort. After alcoholism and depression, which are the most common ones in cases of a common disease related to psychiatry, The problems associated with this type of anxiety are being scared of other people, coming closer, being judged by them, being scared of public places, crowds, open spaces, etc.

And do not forget about Natural remedies for anxiety, Natural treatments for anxiety, or Healthy living, such as stopping smoking and drinking alcohol, eating healthy, getting more rest, etc. And do not forget to consult your doctor before trying anything new.

The best treatment for anxiety is performed by our internationally recognized practitioner, medical Dr. Tsan, who is well-known as one of the most effective treatments for fears, phobias, anxiety, and depression. 120 people, on average, from different states each year visit the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic to recover their mental health and freedom of mind as a result of Hypnotherapy for anxiety in Philadelphia

Anxiety is one of the most common psychological traumas people experience. Anxiety is the initial complaint psychiatrists hear from most patients, and it is more prevalent among women than men. Anxiety is associated with many conditions, both psychological and physical.


Hypnotherapy is a form of alternative medicine that aims to achieve a trance through guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention. In a trance state, the happenings around the individual are suspended, and attention is drawn to specific thoughts, done with a trained therapist’s help.

How Hypnotherapy for Anxiety Works

Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that comes in the form of counseling and is not a treatment for incense. The state of hypnosis allows the exploration of feelings, memories, and painful thoughts from the past, hidden in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis also helps to block the reality of pain from the mind. Hypnotherapy works primarily in two forms, as listed below: suggestion therapy and psychoanalysis.

Suggestive Therapy is a form of natural treatment for anxiety disorder

Using hypnosis and a therapist, suggestion therapy changes a person’s perceptions and beliefs while changing their behavior.

Psycho-Analysis Treatment for Anxiety

Psycho-analysis allows us to explore certain factors from the subconscious mind that might be responsible for some psychological disturbance, such as past tragic events locked deep down in the subconscious. Psychotherapy can be employed when such a factor is identified using hypnosis.

Benefits of Hypnotherapy for anxiety disorders

Hypnosis makes a person more open and receptive to discussions and suggestions, which can be applied when treating stress, fears, grief and loss, phobias, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, sleep disorder, irritable bowel syndrome, and other conditions. The application is not limited to the state listed above. It can also control pain and get rid of habits and addictions like smoking. Hypnosis can be used in crisis management for people with severe addiction and trauma.

Hypnotherapy is a safe procedure, far from the misconception that it is brainwashing, mind control, or manipulation. The consent of a patient is paramount. The person’s will is maintained as the therapist does not make the subject do something wrong or embarrassing.

Hypnosis for Anxiety

A certified, licensed mental health practitioner carries out hypnotherapy to perform this procedure on people, following the ethics of hypnosis.

The 3 Anxiety-Related Problems Hypnosis Can Address

  • Moodiness and Emotional Strain Frequent anxiety can strain an individual emotionally. Anxiety drains physical energy as it has characteristic symptoms that make a person persistently discontented and easily worried. This negative feeling can keep a person perpetually drained and on edge. Hypnosis corrects this anomaly by restricting the mind frame and changing negative mindsets and beliefs with a more positive outlook. The therapist focuses on implanting a belief in a happy feeling and a bold and confident mindset that appreciates themselves. In so doing, anxiety is erased from the mind.
  • Strain and Physical Tension                                                                                                Physical pain and tension can be responsible for emotional tension, which can be managed using hypnosis. Hypnotherapy addresses the belief that triggers anxiety, which will eventually reduce the frequency and gravity of the physical strain symptoms. These symptoms include shaking, rapid breathing, and a faster heart rate. Hypnosis will substitute feelings of discomfort with suggestions of comfortable feelings in the real sense. This helps the mind overcome the triggers of anxiety and subdue the strain that comes with it.
  • Sleeping Difficulty                                                                 

Anxiety is usually characterized by difficulty sleeping at night. Anxiety makes sleeping a struggle, and when sleep is achieved, it lacks depth and is sometimes riddled with nightmares and so much muscle tension. Also, the thought pattern contributing to this anxious state can be altered by keeping thoughts within a safe limit to avoid getting out of hand by keeping a patient always awake, which is extremely dangerous to the physical well-being. Through hypnosis, a therapist can help a patient implant a suggestion of having had good sleep recently.

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety Treatment in Philadelphia

At the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic, anxiety patients represent more than 35% of all visitors. Doctor Tsan, the clinic’s medical director, believes that combining hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and homeopathy leads to the best anxiety treatment result.

To make an appointment for an alternative holistic evaluation, contact our clinic at (267) 403-3085 or use our online scheduling system.

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Provider Name
Victor Tsan, MD,
2200 Michener street, Unit 12,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania-19115,
Telephone No.(267) 284-3085
Worldwide - online treatment
Treatment for anxiety should be complexed, comprehensive, and should cover different aspects of the illness. At the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic, anxiety patients represent more than 35% of all visitors. Doctor Tsan, Medical Director of the clinic believes that the combination of Hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and homeopathy leads to the best Anxiety treatment result.