Life with Dependent Personality Disorder

Dependent Personality Disorder Dependent Personality Disorder is a psychiatric medical condition that requires attention. Dependent Personality Disorder may affect your personal life, professional career, and family ties. Relationships of all kinds can be ruined by dependent personality disorder (DPD). Despite estimates showing that fewer than 1% of adults have this disease, it still causes misery …

Natural Treatment for OCD

Using Hypnosis for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by frequent, unwelcome, or irrational thoughts or feelings (obsessions) or by a persistent urge to do an action (compulsions). Common compulsions include the need to preserve things in a specific order, whereas common obsessions include the dread of germs. An OCD sufferer will typically grow concerned if a …


How To Know If Therapy Is Actually Working, According To Mental Health Experts

Therapy is an effective method of treatment for psychological disorders. Therapy is a fantastic resource for recovery and personal growth. It’s normal to feel nervous and unsure when you first start treatment because you’re effectively traversing uncharted territory. When you first begin treatment, one of the most fundamental questions is how to tell if it’s …